BIRDING THE LUNE ESTUARY THE FOREST OF BOWLAND AND BEYOND..........................................................................HEN HARRIER COCKERSAND PETE WOODRUFF

Friday, 23 December 2022


It was good to see the birds had reclaimed their habitat from the ice during the week following the thaw. Even better news was, at least 400 Whooper Swan have finally set up camp at Cockersand. I had seen the swans as I drove along Moss Lane on my way to Cockersand, but seeing them again 2 hours later as I left, they were seen in fields at Clarkson's and Tomlinson's Farms and Jeremy Lane from where I noted up to 350 Lapwing Last Sunday 4 Bewick's Swan were reported (FBC) on Jeremy Lane.

Almost certainly 28 Twite seen on Plover Scar were the same as seen here 25 October and again on 1 December. I found 4 Stonechat, seen as one in the rough field behind Bank Houses, one along Moss Lane, and two around Light House Cottage. Worth noting is the report of 8 Stonechat at Cockersand 15 December (FBC) seen as 3 male and 5 female, the best ever winter count of Stonechat at Cockersand.

Conder Pool 15 December. Pete Woodruff.

It was good to see everywhere around the Lune Estuary had been reclaimed by the birds again, although 2 Goosander were the only birds to note on Conder Pool, with 8 Little Grebe seen in the creeks.

Black-headed Gull.

On 13 December I found a ringed Black-headed Gull at Teal Bay. The bird was ringed AE44 9 years ago at Ellerbeck Shipyard, Kiel, Germany in 2013, and has had seven sightings, five in the UK and two in southwestern Poland. The history of the bird promptly followed my submitting it, for which I am grateful to the ringer Sönke Martens 

The Port of Kiel is one of the most versatile ports in the Baltic region, although this isn't relevant to the question....Why would a Black-headed Gull ringed in Germany in 2013, want or need to fly huge distances to be seen in the UK on five ocassions, and in Poland twice in 2018 and 2020. What's the purpose, it's not strictly related to migration, and AE44 has been observed in six different winter and summer months of the year in the UK and in Europe.

Black-headed Gull 6CY. Pete Woodruff.

Black-headed Gull 6CY was ringed in Denmark the same year of 2013 as AE44. I found this gull 3 times all at Glasson Dock, in Sept 2014, Nov 2017, Jan 2020. This gull also returned to it's natal site in Gentofte, Denmark twice, in March/April 2015, and March 2016. 

Garden Birds.

A male Blackcap in the garden made our day on Thursday, it was with a Wren for bonus.


Sunday, 18 December 2022


It wasn't the plan when I set out to do my estuary thing on Thursday, but the day soon became one that took account of how some of the birds I found where struggling with the freezing conditions of the past couple of weeks....Thankfully conditions have eased a little now.

The day started with my finally finding one of the Stonechat currently residing at Conder Green, with a bird seen at Conder Pool. 

These 8 Little Grebe - and a passing lorry on the B5290were taking advantage of an ice free area in the creeks, though I have to say, these grebes from Conder Pool have usually taken to the ice-free waters of the Lune Estuary by December.

The waders and wildfowl were really struggling with the frozen Conder channel and mud banks, and a small group of Redshank and Black-tailed Godwit together with a Snipe out in the open, appeared to be making futile attempts to find food on the now frozen marsh.

Along Jeremy Lane, up to 40 Whooper Swan of which notably, probably 25% were juvenile, they were with c.50 Mute Swan also desperately prodding at the grass in an attempt to feed....I saw not a single other Whooper Swan at Cockersand today.

At Cockersand, 3 Song Thrush seen, this one was with a Redwing searching the shingle. Also to note on a wander, 4 Stonechat, 9 Meadow Pipit, and 4 Wren.

Of 82 Pink-footed Geese in a field north of Bank Houses, 45 took to the wing to circle before settling again in the field.

This Robin was one of 10 Robin and at least 40 Blackbird I saw on the day at Glasson/Cockersand. I have no idea what it was up to walking around my feet. In the header image, the bird looks in good nick on the old iron railway bridge, but maybe it was on the lookout for a snack. 

For the wrong reasons it was a good days birding for me, though it wasn't good to see the struggling icebound birdlife. I hung around for one of those amazing Cockersand sunsets, to end the day with a mindful moment....Sound On!

Wednesday, 14 December 2022

The Colour Purple.

The Purple Sandpiper is a mega rarity in our area these days, in fact the last LDBWS Annual Report 2020 reads, 'no records this year for the first time in many years', but the Lancashire Bird Report 2021 reads, 'one at Heysham in August and November, with two on Seaborn Road, Morecambe on 23 November'.

Having seen reports of them recently, I made good use of a couple of hours to spare in Morecambe to make contact with two Purple Sandpiper on the groyne opposite Park Road.

The footage I managed is OK for the record, but isn't all that good in quality for a couple of reasons, the first bird wasn't at all obliging in that it remained at rest in the shadows, despite two Turnstones almost flying into it. In the second section of the video, I miss-judged the target with the camera, but one can be seen in the water at the foot of the groyne, the second bird is in view to the right and above the first.

Purple Sandpiper Morecambe 13 December

The Purple Sandpiper is a scarce winter visitor from Arctic Canada and Norway. I read that in excess of 17,000 of the species that winter in Britain are found overwhelmingly in the Northern Isles, the Outer Hebrides and on the coasts of eastern Scotland and north-east England. In Lancashire it has always been rare....Rehfisch et al 2003

In his book The Birds Of Lancashire first published in 1953, Clifford Oakes wrote  'A regular winter visitor in small or moderate numbers to the shores of Walney Island, scarce and infrequent on the Lune Estuary, rare elsewhere.

There have been only two recoveries of Lancashire-ringed Purple Sandpipers, both informative. At Seaforth a bird ringed in March 1978, was on Hilbre Island at the mouth of the Dee 25km away in September the same year, and a bird ringed at Heysham in April 1977, returned there every winter for 12 years until 1989, the bird actually summered at Heysham in 1987....The Birds of Lancashire and North Merseyside 2008

The Purple Sandpiper yesterday made my total of just four records in the little black book in 150 years of birding!!   

Sunday, 11 December 2022

Finching It Again!....Episode 5.

It was to say the least exciting to have my fifth sighting of Bullfinch again in Lancaster Cemetery this week.

This sighting was particularly interesting in that, not only are these excellent records for the location, but the Bullfinch is known to be a shy bird, and doesn't usually show itself on the ground, hardly ever feeding more than a few metres from cover. I'm more acquainted to seeing the Bullfinch extracting seeds from fruit on trees or bushes, small seed-heads and fruits are removed when fallen to the ground which is what was going on here. 

The ground feeding Bullfinch was certainly a first for me, with both male and female collecting seeds found on the grave and surroundings having fallen from the tree which is as yet unidentified beyond it being of the genus Sorbus....Probably Sorbus aucuparia

Fieldfare. Ian Mitchell.

Also in the cemetery a lone Redwing, briefly atop of a tree before flying off. It joins its lone cousin the Fieldfare which I saw at Cockersand 1 December, being the only two winter thrushes I've seen this winter to date.

Williamson's Park.

Birds of note as I wandered through the park, 2 Song Thrush took top spot for me, Mistle Thrush, a Jay, Nuthatch, Goldcrest, Wren, a few Wood Pigeon, at least 20 Blackbird, and a similar number of Magpie. To note at the feeding station, up to 5 Dunnock and 5 Coal Tit.

Ashton Memorial. Pete Woodruff.

There there was some attractive colours on the fallen ice covered leaves of the Canadian Maple in Williamson's Park.

Community Spirit.

The Robin putting in an appearance, the Blackbird having a go at the apple, and the Starling and House Sparrows, all showing a little harmony in the garden.

Many thanks to Steve Graham for the header image of four of the eight Caton Moor wind turbines with heads above the mist to create an atmospheric scene, along with the excellent record of 3 Stonechat reported to me whilst up there.

And Finally.

Yes, another Stonechat image....Well what do you expect, this is B2B, and this is a 1st winter male Stonechat at Conder Pool. Classic the bird, excellent the image, thanks to Howard Stockdale.

Sunday, 4 December 2022

An Estuary Dash!

Compared to more like the average six hours in winter, four around Conder Green and Cockersand is a dash in my book. 

Conder Pool continues to be almost void of birds recently, with no muddy edges and looking more like Conder Lake following the recent high tides, but I did note a pair of Goosander, 3 Little Grebe, 3 Greylag, and a 'few' Wigeon with probably more in hiding behind the islands. During an hour spent at Conder Green, I counted 16 Blackbird, 12 of which were counted in a few minutes from the viewing platform feeding on berries along the canal side.

Stonechat Fairhaven Dunes. Paul Ellis.

At Cockersand, the negatives first, there was no sign of the winter Wheatear or any Snow Buntings. The positives were, 2 Stonechat seen, one along Slack Lane, and another in the rough field behind Lower Bank House which is a favoured haunt annually of the wintering Cockersand chats. Can never resist the image of a Stonechat....Many Thanks to PE.

In the area around the Caravan Park, 16 Greenfinch were a count exceeding any I've made anywhere for some time, also a bouncing flyby of c.30 Twite destination Bank End it seemed. A lone Tree Sparrow was the first seen in 12 months when I saw 3 at Bank Houses on 14 December 2021, also here today, a lone Fieldfare was my first of the winter.

The only notable reward for a circuit trundle was up to 500 Black-tailed Godwit off Crook Farm, and I saw an egret seeing off another which looked a bigger bird, probably the Great White Egret I saw on the estuary 14 November. I took my eyes off them for a moment, but noticed one made a U turn and went down to a pool off Plover Scar. I thought this was the larger bird, but the video proves me wrong....again!!

Garden Birds.

We had 10 Goldfinch in a flock visiting the feeders yesterday. We also have a healthy resident flock of House Sparrow this year. There are up to 30 in the video....Watch 'em disappear in sync at the end...Sparrowhawk around perhaps.

Thanks to Howard Stockdale for the record image of 9 White-fronted Geese in the header, present at Aldcliffe on Wednesday 30 September.

And Finally.

I wanted to end the post to feature this photograph of a Grey Wagtail. 

Grey Wagtail. Martin Jump.

Firmly in the stunning category, with thanks to Martin Jump.

Wednesday, 30 November 2022

Picture Gallery.

I've recently been sent some excellent images of the goodies currently at Cockersand, and a Golden Oldie from 2014 which can't fail to bring a little interest to B2B.

Wheatear Cockersand. Pete Woodruff.

One of my own piks, not with the perfect props, but who cares when it's a pik of a Wheatear found at Cockersand at the end of November.

Snow Bunting Cockersand. Ian Mitchell.

I love this image of the Snow Bunting, like the upright stance of a Wheatear.

Stonechat Cockersand. Howard Stockdale.

Lovely shot of a 1st winter male, one of six Stonechat currently wintering at Cockersand....They never fail to delight me.

Bewick's Swans Jeremy Lane. Howard Stockdale.

The conservation status of the Bewick's Swan is Red.....When I was sent this image I made the comment, what a beautiful creature the Bewick's Swan is. As far as I am aware, these are the only two in our immediate area of Lancashire. This is pleasing when you think the only other places to see these beauties is more likely to be in eastern England, around the Severn Estuary. The Ouse and Nene Washes, and Slimbridge are the best places to see the Bewick's Swan. 

The Golden Oldie.

Shorelark Rossall Point December 2014. Martin Jump.

I love the low level angle of this image of the Shorelark at Fleetwood a few years back.

Thanks to Brian for the header, and to Ian, Howard and Martin for the excellent images, they are much appreciated.

And Finally.

Terror in the garden....The furious evil eyed male Sparrowhawk in the plum yesterday.

Sunday, 27 November 2022

Sour Turns Sweet.

A couple of visits for some birding around the Lune Estuary - where else - soon ended on a sour note on Thursday, but not until I had found 2 Bewick's Swan with a few Whooper Swan at the north end of Jeremy Lane. In the same field, up to 850 Lapwing and 300 Curlew.

I then drove to Cockersand to find myself sitting out a downpour whilst wondering when the tap would be turned off, but it wasn't so off I went back to Lancaster....Sour!

Although the weather was much improved on Friday, birding started off sluggish, with little to note at Conder Green, so away I went to my intended destination at Cockersand. Over the years this has always been the place for me to find my first and often the last Wheatear of the year, but this one is....Ridiklus.

Wheatear Cockersand 25 November. Pete Woodruff.

On my arrival at the caravan park, a lone birder was stood by the marsh, tripod and telescope at the ready. I joined the birder - from Clitheroe apparently- we both stood, soon to be gobsmacked at the sight of a smart Wheatear....Sweet! 

What!....a Wheatear on 25 November. Initially my thoughts turned to maybe it's an Isabelline Wheatear, but after a mobile call and a few hours later, including checking photographs, Wheatear it is. This is an excellent late record beating the latest in Lancashire by 11 years on 7 November 2011.

Snow Bunting Cockersand 25 November. Paul Ellis.

At one point I was watching a Snow Bunting with the Wheatear in the same view.

Stonechat Moss Lane 25 November. Pete Woodruff.

I found 4 Stonechat on the visit, a pair along Moss Lane to the east of Abbey Farm, and a pair along Slack Lane, these four birds are noted for covering a wide foraging area. There are 3 pairs of Stonechat currently wintering at Cockersand, though I have yet to connect with the pair in the caravan park area.

A number of little more than 50 Whooper Swan seen today, are currently wintering in the Cockersand/Thurnham area, with birds in small herds spread over four fields. With the outbreak of avian flu in mind, this is worrying when compared to example figures like 620 Whooper Swan 5 years ago on 19 November 2017, and more up to date, a peak count of 243 in November 2021. 

I'm grateful to Chris Batty and Paul Ellis for help and photographs with regards to clearing up the doubts I initially had about whether it was Oenanthe isabellina or not.   

Sunday, 20 November 2022

Twice Round The Block!

During the week I managed a couple of blasts through Williamson's Park and Lancaster Cemetery. This turned out to be another one of my good ideas as I was rewarded with the latest sighting of 4 Bullfinch here again, seen as two male and female. This is my fourth sighting of Bullfinch in Lancaster Cemetery since I found five on 30 October 2014, whilst noting as in Bowland, I've never found Bullfinch here during the breeding season starting late April.

Canadian Maple In Williamson's Park. Pete Woodruff.

Also of note in the park, 2 Jay, Nuthatch, Goldcrest, and Wren, 3 Coal Tit, at least 16 Blackbird, 12 Wood Pigeon, 8 Magpie, and with 6 Chaffinch on beech mast I was hoping to find a Brambling....wishful thinking!

Red Admiral 19 October. Pete Woodruff. 

On the two visits I saw 7 Red Admiral, they were seen as five in Williamson's Park, and two in Lancaster Cemetery....Have you seen the one on Ivy top left of the frame?

Pintail Anus acuta....In our recording area, the Pintail is a passage migrant and winter visitor.

The header image is of 20 Pintail>south off Plover Scar. This is significant in that I'd say it's the first record of such a number at Cockersand in many a year, I've never recorded the species here to date, and I regard the Pintail on the Lune Estuary at best scarce. In my records, 2 female on Conder Pool 25 October 2019 were the first there and not since.

Thanks to Martin Jump for his excellent record breaking image.   

Thursday, 17 November 2022

Scrappy But Pleasant As Ever.

My recent visit around the Lune Estuary seemed a little scrappy, and somehow never settled into a steady flow. It started with a huge disappointment at Conder Green where Conder Pool was on the brink of deserted, but a Ruff was in the creeks with 16 Redshank. Worth noting, the Ruff holds a first record this year at Conder Green, in that the species has spent 8 months here since 9 April, and has been recorded every month since. A species no better than a scarce winter visitor, and uncommon spring passage migrant, though more common in autumn. 

Great White Egret. Brian Rafferty*

Of interest on the Lune Estuary viewed from the bowling green, a Great White Egret was on the east shore opposite Meldam Wood, and up to 120 Curlew and 350 Wigeon were to note. On the canal basin, I saw my first 3 Goldeneye drakes of the winter. On Jeremy Lane, 28 Whooper Swan were in the field on the north side of Bamber's Farm, I've never seen the Whooper Swan in fields at the south end of Jeremy Lane before. On Moss Lane, 32 Whooper Swan previously seen were still present at Clarkson's Farm.

A circuit of Cockersand was rewarded by a male and female Stonechat working their way along the Moss Lane roadside fence posts opposite Abbey Farm. A skein of 130 Pink-footed Geese went over>south. Also seen from the road, 8 Blackbird, 6 Stock Dove, and a Wren. On the sea between Plover Scar and the Cocker Channel, up to 2,000 Wigeon and 18 Eider.

Thanks to Ian Mitchell for the header image of the group at high tide Cockersand. Ian got a pleasant surprise, in that he hadn't seen the Snipe in the frame until he came to process the shot later.

*Having not been in touch with Brian Rafferty for some time now, I made enquiries about the use of his GWE image on B2B. I was pleased to hear he is doing OK following time off the road, and passed on to him my Kind Regards. 

Sunday, 13 November 2022

Antiques Roadshow!

I was in receipt of an e-mail yesterday. The message had an image attached which contained the most interesting record of a Stonechat I ever saw. 

The e-mail, record, and photograph is credited to Ian Mitchell, and is of a male Stonechat which he found at the rear of the house he had recently moved in to at Altham Road on the Westgate Estate, Morecambe 47 years ago in late September 1975.

The photograph was taken on an instamatic style camera when Westgate was in its infancy to becoming the huge housing estate it is today, hence the landscape where the picture was taken at the time, resembles a building site, and looks more akin to the habitat of a Black Redstart than that of a Stonechat.

From the first record in the LDBWS Annual Reports 1959, and for 38 years the Stonechat was recorded as 'no evidence of recent breeding' (1959) and 'no breeding records' (1997). Though the report does mention Morecambe twice, in 1963 'a male found dead in Morecambe during a cold winter spell' and in 1968 'breeds sporadically at one location in Morecambe'.

Historically the Stonechat in our area was scarce until 1999 when the species saw an upturn in status until the harsh winters of 2009/10/11, after which the records reverted near to pre 1999 numbers. For 12 years I comprehensively monitored the rise and fall of the Stonechat in Bowland. 

Ian Mitchell's record of this male at Westgate Morecambe in 1975, whilst out of the public domain, has been the best kept secret of a Stonechat in the LDBWS area for 47 years.         

Sunday, 6 November 2022

Some You Win....Some You Lose!

Birding didn't quite pan out as I had hoped it would on Friday, the weather wasn't as good as the forecast, and the birds were generally not obliging mainly because they weren't there, though the waders at Glasson made something of a contradiction to that remark.

River Conder After The Rain. Pete Woodruff.

On arriving at Conder Green, I spent the first 20 minutes on the viewing platform sheltering from a downpour. Thanks to the late Ian Pinkerton for putting in the planning application, and thanks to FBC for the erection of the said shelter complete with roof.

Conder Pool West End Looking East. Pete Woodruff.

Hard to believe it was heaving down just 15 minutes before I took this picture, when Conder Pool was virtually void of birdlife, but a Ruff was in the creeks with 6 Greenshank.

Minutes after I arrived at Glasson Dock to look over the Lune Estuary, though I didn't pick out the culprit, I'd say it was a Peregrine Falcon put something like 4,000 waders into the skies, some of which disappeared downstream and never returned. Those that did settle again were spread far and wide, and I made no attempt to count, but initially I estimated a four figure mix of predominantly Bar-tailed Godwit and Knot, with a mid-double figure of Golden Plover, and a lower figure of Black-tailed Godwit. Also noted, 2 Avocet were at the Conder mouth, a single Snipea pair of Goosander, and 16 Little Egret. A Small Tortoiseshell was basking on the whitewashed wall at the Victoria Hotel.

On Jeremy Lane from a moving car, 10 Whooper Swan, and on Moss Lane, a Great-spotted Woodpecker flew ahead of me, and c.30 Whooper Swan I saw recently remain in the field at Clarkson's Farm.

Looking North From Cockersand. Pete Woodruff.

By the time I got to Cockersand the weather had made a nose-dive, from flat calm and sunny, to cloudy, windy, and threatening rain. Not the conditions to set off on a 2 mile hike around Cockersand with nowhere to hide....Some you win, some you lose!

The Parish Of Aldcliffe.

On a brief visit, a buck and doe Roe Deer seen amongst the trees on the perimeter of Freeman's Pools....Nice.

Thanks to Ian Mitchell for the header image of the three Avocet, still on target to winter on the Lune Estuary. 

Wednesday, 2 November 2022

Full House....Well Sort Of!

A bit of a marathon on Conder Pool, in the creeks, a circuit around Conder Green, around the Lune Estuary, and a run down the A588.

On Conder Pool, a Spotter Redshank obliged albeit asleep with 9 Greenshank in the not the best video I ever saw, 9 Little Grebe were my best count, 12 Wigeon and up to 150 Teal were also noted.

Ruff Conder Green. Ian Mitchell.

Three Ruff were in the creeks, also just one Avocet was seen in two visits, another day closer to wintering here.

Lune Estuary From Glasson Dock. Pete Woodruff.

On the Lune Estuary at Glasson, c.350 Bar-tailed Godwit were of note, with up to 2,750 Lapwing, 14 Snipe, and a drake Goosander. On Jeremy Lane, 550 Black-tailed Godwit and 320 Curlew on a flood. Along Moss Lane, 7 Little Egret were in a small field on the west side of Gardner's Farm. A visit to Cockersand served the purpose well when I found a female Stonechat in the rough field behind Lower Bank House.

As I drove down the A588 up to 2,000 Pink-footed Geese were in the air, eventually out of view and gone down in the Cockerham Moss area. At Braides, 3 Curlew Sandpiper were in the field, with at least 1,500 Golden Plover in the same field split in half by a grit track to Cockerham Marsh.

I decided to continue to Fluke Hall to be rewarded by another female Stonechat and 30 Whooper Swan to the south of the car Park.

Thanks to Ian Mitchell for the excellent header image of the Spotted Redshank/Greenshank on Conder Pool, and the Ruff in the creeks. 

Blot On The Landscape.

 Conder Pool 1 November.

The perfect example of 'some' photographers getting the rest a bad press. So what's wrong with the sluice as a perch for the Kingfisher, instead of the plank with a nail in the end, and weighed down with a ridiculous huge stone. Both these props will have been removed by the weekend....Guaranteed. 

Sunday, 30 October 2022

Finch It!

My Bowland records made another forward surge this week when I found 3 Bullfinch, seen as two male in the trees at the car park on Rigg Lane, and two hours later, one in flight towards Cragg Wood. These birds represent 7 sightings of 23 Bullfinch in Bowland, with 16 at Birk Bank - eight of which were Northern Bullfinch - on three dates in Nov/Dec 2004, a pair at Tower Lodge Nov 2022, a pair at Rushy Lee Feb 2022, and 3 at Birk Bank/Cragg Wood Oct 2022.

The Bullfinch is regarded as a partial migratory bird, those that migrate make short to medium distance movements. So are these Bowland birds wintering, or do they actually breed in Bowland. I reckon they don't breed, but if they do, having never seen a Bullfinch in Bowland during the summer months, I've yet to discover where. 

Other sightings included Siskin seen in mini groups flighty around Rigg Lane, woefully small numbers of no more than 6 Fieldfare all on the wing, and 8 Red Grouse.

No apologies, but the following section of this post starts with my third video footage of 2 Ruff at Conder Green, the species being well up the list of my favourite waders, also in the creeks, a Greenshank.

The purpose of this outing was to get to Plover Scar for the high tide, to find it relatively quiet, but with peak counts of 120 Oystercatcher, 95 Turnstone, and 42 Dunlin

Twite Cockersand. Martin Jump.

A count of 28 Twite were flighty and spent a little time on the scar. There was an obvious presence of Skylark in and over the stubble field by Lighthouse Cottage, with 16 >south. A male Reed Bunting seen, and a Kestrel hovering over the marsh off the Caravan Park before diving to take out a small rodent.

In the field south of Clarkson's Farm, I counted 32 Whooper Swan, though they were in a dip in the field and certainly a few more with heads down as they fed.

Thanks to Martin Jump for his Oystercatcher header and Twite at Plover Scar.


Vagrant Emperor Heysham Harbour 25 October. Kevin Eaves.

When Kevin visited Heysham Harbour last week on 25 October, he must surely have had what he might find in the back of his mind. What Kevin did find could only have made him amazed and elated in equal measure when he came across his second Vagrant Emperor at Heysham 15 days earlier than his first seen on 9 November 2020.

Thanks to Kevin Eaves for the image of the Vagrant Emperor, and his permission for the must post news of this Lancashire rarity on Birds2blog.

Sunday, 23 October 2022

October Chats.

Being the last visit to Hawthornthwaite Fell was on 11 July, I hadn't realised my birding had made such a dramatic nosedive, but I was here on Tuesday, and also back on Harrisend again to find 15 Stonechat on the day.

I was only on the track up Hawthorthwaite for 15 minutes before I found 6 Stonechat, all in this small area of heather looking east in the picture. The birds were mobile, and moving generally south east. Walking on for about 50 metres, when I looked again there was no sign of the birds.

Other than the chats, I saw just 4 Red Grouse and several airliners in the couple of hours spent here.

Whilst spending a few therapeutic minutes by Cam Brook, I was reminded of the smart male Ring Ouzel I saw here on 27 May. This was my fifth consecutive year of finding the mountain blackbird on Hawthornthwaite, only one sighting of which I ever had evidence of breeding here and was a female in flight with food in its bill. 

There was also a pleasant 3 hours spent on Harrisend, where I found 9 Stonechat. As with the Hawthorthwaite birds, five were together in a small area of gorse. Also 4 Raven over and 3 Red Grouse seen.

Clougha Pike From Harrisend. Pete Woodruff.

Wish I had a pound for every Stonechat I've ever seen atop of this remnant of the Hawthorn. I reckon I could get myself a couple of bottles of Jack Daniel's in for Christmas!

The Gannet.

There was a little sadness about a walk along the promenade at Sandylands last week, when I found the corpse of an adult Gannet on the shore, seen as a possible victim of avian flu.

Only a vagrant Albatross in the Western Palearctic is a larger seabird than the indigenous Gannet. Of the worlds breeding population, 48% are found in Scotland. This year there was a 90% breeding failure of Gannet on Bass Rock.

Turtle Dove.

Turtle Dove Hest Bank. Howard Stockdale.

A 1st winter Turtle Dove has been at Hest Bank since 13 October. There has been a mix of opinion about the bird, some seeing it as a sickly bird, dicing with death at the hands of the mutt brigade and their charges, others saying the bird looks well as it does in Howards image, it feeds well, and is a tame individual. Whatever....the bird would be better advised to stay put at Hest Bank, up to 100,000 Turtle Dove are shot annually on migration over Malta.  

Bearded Tit.....Another one of those must see images.

Bearded Tit Leighton Moss. Martin Jump.

Many Thanks to Howard and Martin for sending me these excellent images.

And Finally.

Hummingbird Hawk-moth. Peter Rhind.

Couldn't possibly end this post without mention of the brilliant Hummingbird Hawk-moth which gave us about 60 seconds of pleasure as it checked out the Verbena in our garden yesterday afternoon.

Pity I didn't get a pik of the moth, but I did get 30 seconds of comic relief with these two ponies at Heysham in the week....You scratch my back, I'll scratch yours!