BIRDING THE LUNE ESTUARY THE FOREST OF BOWLAND AND BEYOND..........................................................................HEN HARRIER COCKERSAND PETE WOODRUFF

Wednesday, 29 November 2023

Cockersand News.

Little Owl Abbey Farm 10 November 2014. Pete Woodruff.

At Cockersand yesterday, the amazing record of a Little Owl. Amazing because this is the first record of Little Owl at Cockersand as far as I am aware since I last saw one 9 years ago.

Snow Bunting Cockersand 28 Nov. John Whittle.

Two Snow Bunting were seen off Lighthouse Cottage. Thanks to John for news and image.

1st Winter Merlin Cockersand 12 October. Ian Mitchell.

Merlin seen yesterday also at Cockersand. A female, probably the same bird seen 12 October. Thanks to Maurice for the news.

Sunday, 26 November 2023

Chats On The Starter Menu....

....and a raptor to finish with on the sweet menu!

What a lovely sunny if cold day on Friday to find 7 Stonechat, with two found on Conder Pool, two foraging along the marsh by Cockersand Caravan Park, one on roadside fence posts Moss Lane, and two along the bulrushes behind Lighthouse Cottage. AC found the mate of my loner on Moss Lane, so proof of four pairs wintering in the Lune Estuary area.

Stonechat Moss Lane 24 November

Also noted on Conder Pool, 20 Tufted Duck, 5 Goosander, and Little Grebe.

Little Grebe Conder Pool. Ian Mitchell.

Ian Mitchell caught on camera conclusive proof the Little Grebe catch Sticklebacks like there's no tomorrow, and play with them until they can swallow head first so the spines don't snag on the throat.

On the Lune at Glasson, up to 650 Golden Plover and 620 Black-tailed Godwit which was up to half the number seen on my last visit here last Tuesday. A Raven was overhead at close range.

As I approached Cockersand along Moss Lane, a Buzzard was close by in a tree, but took offence to me and flew off as I pulled up to grab a pik. My records read, the circuit was a huge success, if only because I found 5 Stonechat here. Otherwise, just 3 Wren, 2 Meadow Pipit, and a lone Greenfinch got into my little black book.

But hey, the visit ended with a bang....As I watched a Stonechat pair foraging the marsh edge, a Hen Harrier ringtail burst onto the scene, it quartered low over the marsh 50 metres out for several minutes before I eventually lost it to view heading to Cockerham Marsh....Heck!

Thanks to Simon Hawtin for his stunning Hen Harrier header image.


Wheatear Cockersand 25 November 2022. Pete Woodruff.

Twelve months yesterday since I found this little beauty on detritus at Cockersand. 

Wednesday, 22 November 2023

Eleven Days Later.

When I finally got out yesterday, it had been 11 days since I'd had a wander around the estuary, and in my book the day started well with the sight of a Stonechat in the east corner of Conder Pool. This looks like a bird from a possible 4 pairs set to winter in the area around the Lune Estuary....time will tell. A lone Tree Sparrow was in the hedgerow by the viewing screen.

A stunning female Kingfisher soon followed the chat to oblige and pose for a picture. If the volume in the video is full on, the winnowing call of one of 10 Little Grebe is heard towards the end prior to the Kingfisher leaving the scene.

On arriving at the bowling green to view the estuary, to be honest I was overwhelmed by the sight of up to 5,000 waders in view. Making life even more difficult, there was also a raptor - probably an undetected Peregrine Falcon - in hunting mode. Up to 2,000 Lapwing and 1,500 Black-tailed Godwit, with good numbers of Golden Plover, Curlew, Redshank, and Dunlin. A drake Goldeneye, 4 Goosander, and a Great-crested Grebe were of note, also 4 Shoveler are at best irregular here.

On the canal basin, 24 Tufted Duck and a drake Goosander seen, with not a Goldeneye in sight, a favoured location for the winter visitor.

Driving along Moss Lane with a vehicle behind, I noted c.40 Fieldfare in trees. At Cockersand, I struggled to find 3 Stonechat, two were working their way along the bulrushes in the ditch off Slack Lane, and after two visits to the rough field behind Lower Bank House, I eventually found another Stonechat. I also saw a pair of Chaffinch....Can't remember when I last saw Chaffinch at Cockersand!

Along a length of c.1/4 mile, I estimated at least 2,500 Wigeon in rafts stretching from Plover Scar to the Cocker Estuary. In a field by Abbey Farm, 130 Curlew seen. This winters peak count of 245 Whooper Swan was opposite Gardners Farm off Moss lane.

Whooper Swan Thurnham 19 Nov. Howard Stockdale.

Howard sent me the image of Whooper Swan W43C. Ringed a little over 3 months ago at Miklavatn, Skagafjorour, Iceland, 14 August 2023. Having flown 1,600km to be seen for the first time in Thurnham on 19 November....Thanks Howard, much appreciated. 

Sunday, 12 November 2023

Conder & Cocker.

A bit of action on Conder Pool Friday....As I stepped on to the viewing platform, a Barn Owl was disappearing below the far bank and hedgerow, to reappear and do the same again. I never saw the owl after that as I was distracted by the appearance of the Kingfisher which perched on the prop by the sluice. 

The best of three counts on Conder Pool resulted in 14 Little Grebe seen, with 3 Goosander, 2 Snipe, and my first Goldeneye of the winter, later 2 Goldeneye were on the Canal Basin at Glasson Dock.

Stonechat Female Moss Lane. Howard Stockdale.

At Cockersand, I found 5 Stonechat on the visit, two were working their way along the ditch by the junction of Moss/Slack Lane, two more were also working along the ditch off Slack Lane behind Lighthouse Cottage, and the fifth was seen in the rough field behind Lower Bank House. With recent reports and a little inside info, I would suggest there could be up to 5 pairs/10 Stonechat currently looking to winter around the Lune Estuary. 

Whilst watching the Stonechat at Lower Bank House, I saw a Red Admiral fly across the field....A note in my records reads, 7 Red Admiral seen 19 November 2022, and I found a record of Red Admiral on 19 December in Rossendale on a search of the Butterfly Conservation website.

Up to 120 Whooper Swan were on inland fields again as seen 25 October. I would have had good views of these birds looking to the north off Hillam Lane. I checked a flooded field at the east end of Moss Lane which held a few hundred gulls, to find a Ruff.


In recent years the Sanderling has been referred to as an uncommon passage migrant at both seasons and a rare winter visitor....The Birds of Lancaster & District 2021

Sanderling. Martin Jump.

On Tuesday 7 November,  I received the report of 15 Sanderling on the shore off Lighthouse Cottage, Cockersand. An excellent record of a wader nothing more than rare north of the Fylde Coast, and certainly rarely if ever recorded on the Lune Estuary in winter. I have never recorded the Sanderling from Cockersand upstream on the River Lune in any season other than during spring/autumn passage.

Thanks to Howard Stockdale for the Stonechat, and to Martin Jump for his monochrome header image of Plover Scar, and the Sanderling from his archives.

My Kind Of Birding.
If I was asked to give an example of what I like about birding. I wouldn't hesitate to show this video of c.2,000 Knot which were seen coming in to land on the beach off Sandylands Promenade last week.

The footage was made in the fading light of Sunday, and the Knot gave an impressive show not least because of the tightly packed flock, with a view of the Stone Jetty at Morecambe, and the Lakeland mountains as a backdrop.

Other than never knowing what's next to be found on the bird front, a pleasant hour in pleasant conditions on the promenade, presented some nice photo opportunities. This image of a group on the shore at Heysham gave the feeling of a relaxing walk on the beach in moonlight.

As the skies cleared behind the stormy clouds, a fraction of the numerous 'love'em or loath'em' wind turbines out in the Irish Sea, gave a slightly surreal feeling, some of which were dropping below the horizon....So the world is round after all!

Sunday, 5 November 2023


Well that was exciting....I made two attempts at birding during the week, both of which soon became what can only be referred to as scrappy botched affairs.

Conder Pool still resembles a lake, with the new platform partially sunk again adding to the whole vista currently looking not at all pretty. But a Ruff was with up to 90 Redshank, with a similar number of Teal noted, also two Snipe and 4 Goosander.

On the Lune at Glasson, early winter days, but at least 1,500 Lapwing is my best count to date, also 220 Curlew were below Colloway Marsh waiting to escape the high tide as it rushed in.

Cattle Egret Moss Lane 1 November. Howard Stockdale. 

As I drove along Moss Lane to avoid Wednesdays downpour, 4 Cattle Egret - presumably my 25 October birds - were in fields west of Gardners Farm, and brought to end my double botched birding attempts for the week.

Turnstone Cockersand. Pete Woodruff.

I think the Turnstone is one of the most obliging waders to have a close encounter with. These had no care that I was within a few metres of them.

Thanks to Howard for the Cattle Egret, and to Martin for the header reminder of pleasant summer odonata days....The images are much appreciated.

Ian Mitchell sent me a short video of the beautiful Whooper Swans having returned to winter at Cockersand....Thank You Ian.


Triple-brooded Stonechats.

In years with a 'forward' warm spring, some Stonechats may have three nesting attempts. A notable example was at Sale Fell, Wythop in 1999, when 19 chicks from broods of 6/7/6 were fledged. 

In early April this year, John Callion discovered a territorial pair of Stonechat south of Silloth Dock. Ten further visits to the territory during the summer, had John witnessing seamless timing between clutches which didn't allow for any pair-bond breakdown and replacement of an adult, a behaviour consistent with loyal pairs of breeding Stonechats.

Nest 1. On 17 April, a nest contained 5 eggs which hatched 12 days later on 29 April. The nestlings were colour-ringed on 9 May and fledged 10 days later on 19 May.

Nest 2. On 7 June, John discovered a second nest about 30 metres from the first. This nest contained 6 eggs, of which 5 had hatched 12 days later on 19 June and were duly colour-ringed. These had fledged and were close to the parent birds and nest 10 days later on 29 June.

Nest 3. This third nest was discovered between the two previous nests, and only 15 metres from the first. On 10 July it had 5 eggs, of which 4 hatched and were subsequently colour-ringed 20 days later on 30 July, and had fledged by 6 August.


This extract from John Callion's summary....

Excluding pairing and nest-building, the pair studied had either eggs or young between 11 April and 20 August, by which date the final brood became independent. They were therefore in the breeding process for a total of 132 days. If the time to pair-bond and nest-build is added, it seems likely that these and other Stonechats can potentially be in breeding condition for more than 5 months....Ref: John Callion in Lakeland Naturalist

This article was an education for me, and the summary that the Stonechat can potentially be in breeding condition for in excess of 5 months is a revelation. I am grateful to John Callion for allowing me to publish extracts from his article in Lakeland Naturalist.