BIRDING THE LUNE ESTUARY THE FOREST OF BOWLAND AND BEYOND..........................................................................HEN HARRIER COCKERSAND PETE WOODRUFF

Friday, 26 November 2010

The Long List...

....but first.

Great Northern Diver. Brian Rafferty

Two more cracking photographs of the long staying Great Northern Diver at Fleetwood Marine Lake. If this bird can maintain this kind of eating, drinking, and sleeping on this lake then it's never going to move just yet. Thanks once again for these Brian, the only problem you have with this level of photography have to keep it up and I for one know you will.

With JB/BT again today and as ever, if you think my records and JB's are going to 'line up' you'd be wrong, his are here at LDBWS

On Aldcliffe Marsh 14 Barnacle Geese seen again and a male Bullfinch seen briefly in flight. At Conder Green, the pool was almost deserted but noted elsewhere, 2 Greenshank, a Spotted Redshank, Grey Plover, Little Grebe, and yesterdays c.180 Wigeon were in the channel again. At Glasson Dock as I watched the tidal bore approaching, life was made a little easier for me as it took with it a string of at least 60 Goldeneye past, I'd loved to have been on the water with them....riding the bore looks good fun, also noted, 4 Bewick's Swans were an excellent sight, c.12 Black-tailed Godwit were as distant as ever, and at least 100 Dunlin noted.

On Jeremy Lane, 3 Whooper Swans were in a distant field, and on Moss Lane c.60 Fieldfare from the moving car. At Cockersands the 'set-aside finches' appeared to comprise of 30/20 Greenfinch/Linnet, 22 Greylag came down on to the estuary, with 2 Red-breasted Merganser, 5 Eider, and a Great-crested Grebe, c.620 Oystercatcher were on Plover Scar, a count of 6 Grey Plover was high for this location, and the count of 84 Turnstone was an even higher count for here or any other location in our area in my observations, the Bank Houses Little Owl was seen again today, and 3 Snipe in flight over fields as we drove away from here.  

In fields heading towards Pilling Lane Ends, c.250 Golden Plover and 170 Curlew. On Pilling Marsh, 2 Whooper Swans and c.950 Pink-footed Geese noted. A decision was made to go back to Lancaster via the feeding station on Bradshaw Lane where I noted, 9 Corn Bunting, at least 35 Tree Sparrows, a Yellowhammer, and a Little Owl. On the day Little Egrets were seen at, Glasson Marsh, Crimbles Lane, Pilling Marsh (2), and Fluke Hall (4).

Greenfinch. John Bateman.

Thanks for the pic John, great stuff and a fair tour of the coast, with a fair number of species, a fair number of birds, and a fair good time was had by all....Another 'Good Friday'.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Hi Pete. Another super day out for you all with your usual good numbers and variety of birds.

    Thanks for yet another plug with GND.Next posting will be more waders from Rossall including Purple Sandpiper. Take care.

  3. Thanks for looking in again and of course you're welcome to the 'plug' as I'm the one who benefits the most from your excellent photographs which are an added value to Birds2blog.

    Looking forward to your 'Rossall Waders' Brian.
