BIRDING THE LUNE ESTUARY THE FOREST OF BOWLAND AND BEYOND..........................................................................HEN HARRIER COCKERSAND PETE WOODRUFF

Tuesday, 19 May 2015


....until I can get out birding again, a couple of interesting records.

Raven. Martin Lofgren @ Wild Bird Gallery

I'm reliably informed of up to 40 Raven recently over Cold Stone on Catlow Fell SD7160. I'm personally not sure of the significance of the Raven at this location in the Forest of Bowland, but have to say it sounds an exceptional record, at least in terms of the number of birds. 

Common Tern Martin Jump 

Also an interesting record of a Common Tern at Conder Green seven days ago on 12 May. Interesting in itself....

Nest Boxes Conder Pool. Pete Woodruff.

....but more interesting in wondering if the bird paid any attention to the nest boxes in position on two islands on Conder Pool, placed there specifically in the hope they attract the Common Terns back there again this year to breed as the did successfully last year to rear two young to fledging and create an exciting and excellent breeding record for the area.

The Conder Green Spotted Redshank.

Spotted Redshank Paul Foster

The resident Spotted Redshank at Conder Green has departed, I last saw the bird here on 22 April, it was last seen in 2014 six days later than this years date on 28 April, it returned to Conder Green a little over two months later on 1 July 2014, it will be interesting to see the date it returns this year.

Thanks to two Martin's for the excellent and much appreciated images, and to Paul for his excellent Spotted Redshank which was shot on his recent trip to Cyprus, quite some distance from our bird at Conder Green.

I'd sooner be birding!....and didn't bargain for another gap to follow so soon after last weeks 'off the road' experience.  


  1. Beautiful photos, and I love the Redshank, thanks Pete.

  2. Thank you very much Pete. .I Like to write .. and also do poems birds ...
    Yesterday I was photographing raptors, vultures and many ravens and crows .. They are so lovely.. Greetings ... :-)))

  3. Thanks again Bob. The Spotted Redshank is a pretty smart bird especially in it's summer plumage.

    Thank you Ana. I must see some of your bird poems one day.
