BIRDING THE LUNE ESTUARY THE FOREST OF BOWLAND AND BEYOND..........................................................................HEN HARRIER COCKERSAND PETE WOODRUFF

Sunday, 12 July 2020

Lockdown Miscellany.

I was grateful to David for sending me the Bar-tailed Godwit image as my new header. 

David is a visitor to the area and wouldn't have realised at the time, the significance of the Bar-tailed Godwit at Conder Green, seen as an unprecedented number and a first record summering on Conder Pool. All roosting non-breeders, but one in the centre in breeding plumage adds a little more interest. 

Despite the Bar-tailed Godwit being recorded as a species summering in small numbers around the Lune Estuary, the monthly WeBS counts in 2018 didn't reflect this when, just two birds aside, none were recorded on the Lune Estuary for four months May - September.


A walk with KT through Williamson Park and on to Lancaster Cemetery wasn't without a little interest. 

Little Grebe.

On the old Moor Hospital reservoir at Fenham Carr, it was good to find 7 Little Grebe, seen as two adult and five young, with one adult and three young being fed 100m apart from the other adult feeding two young on the opposite side. These are almost certainly the nesting pair seen on 31 March.

In a bit of reading up, I found only two ringing recoveries, indicating that the Lancashire Little Grebe might be a regular long-distance migrant. One ringed in Essex in 1956, was found dead in Liverpool 2 years later in 1958, but more interesting was of a bird ringed in Latvia 1983, and was found dead at Pilling on the Fylde coast 2 years later in 1985.


In Lancaster Cemetery, 6 Ringlet seen in the grasses and feeding at bramble blossom. The Ringlets status is common, but despite increases in distribution and population, not known as abundant in Lancashire. 

Ringlet Aldcliffe 10 July 2017. Pete Woodruff.

I only have 5 Ringlet records to my name, three of which were in Cumbria. The two records found in our recording area are very interesting in that the single one I found at Aldcliffe on 10 July 2017, resulted in my being unsuccessful in tracing the previous record of this butterfly at Aldcliffe. My second record was of 52 Ringlet seen at Heysham NR on 4 July 2019.

News From Conder Pool.

Arctic Tern Conder Pool 10 July. Howard Stockdale.

Howard found this 1st summer Arctic Tern on Conder Pool on Friday, seen as another excellent first record for the site....Did the 2cy Arctic Tern at Heysham since Thursday, have a day-trip to the Lune Estuary on Friday?

Howard also observed the three ringed juvenile Common Tern developing their flying skills on Friday, and the three young week old Avocet are still doing well.

And Finally....

Little Owl. Green Lane 10 July. SD515659    

Grab shot of a Little Owl on Green Lane before flying off.

Thanks to all who contributed to this post, much appreciated. 


  1. Nice record of Arctic Tern. I've been lucky to record Ringlet the last couple of years at Nethergong. Their nearest known site is about 2 miles away. Stay safe.

  2. Arctic Terns must trying to hit areas that they normally don't hit. We had one in Tucson! last month. What a crazy tern, but exciting!

  3. I have been seeing Ringlet butterflies for the last couple of years now whilst walking the dog along the Wenning riverbank at Hornby - they have been quite active this last fortnight.

  4. Marc....Yes, an excellent record to add to the amazing Conder Pool.

    Rohrerbot....It's a while since you last visited, good to see you once again.

    Ian....As you say, the Ringlet appears to be good this year, but my feeling is this is not the case every year as a butterfly in our area, but I'm always prepared to be corrected.

  5. Was quite surprised, Pete, to hear that Ringlet is not common in those parts, and even more surprised that Marc suggests that they're not common down in his part of the south-east.We do OK for them here and I've seen quite a few recently.

    My best wishes - - - Richard

  6. Richard....I hadn't based my 'not known to be abundant' claim for the Ringlet in Lancashire on the insects sightings page on LDBWS, but if I had, evidence there is that there are just three entries in the past twelve months. The latest entry actually appears to contradict my claim, in that 50 Ringlet were the commonest species at a location in our recording area 3 days ago, the previous record from the same location - incidentally the same observer - has Ringlet with no number listed in July 2019. There are no other previous records of the Ringlet on the LDBWS website prior to that.
