BIRDING THE LUNE ESTUARY THE FOREST OF BOWLAND AND BEYOND..........................................................................HEN HARRIER COCKERSAND PETE WOODRUFF

Sunday, 1 January 2023

Stonechat Records 2022 Last Quarter.

I succeeded to collate the Stonechat records for 2022 with the quarter October-December completed and no duplicate counts slipping through the net. This quarter sees an impressive 100 records collected, bringing the total of Stonechat records in 2022, to a count of at least 300 individual records.

This last quarter is broken down to 46 records collected from LDBWS, 49 from Fylde Bird Club, and 5 Pete Woodruff. For the purpose of recording, these figures are as passage Stonechat until we get to November, after which they are wintering, or will move south if weather conditions dictate, commonly referred to as 'cold weather movement'.

Breeding Stonechats totaled records from 10 locations in Bowland. Other than my own records, I am grateful to those who reported them to me.

There have been some quite surprising records, in that birds have turned up in some unexpected locations, the best example of which was, 7 Stonechat at Fairhaven Beach on 10 October including 3 juveniles, the latest I have ever seen. On 15 December, 8 Stonechat at Cockersand was the best ever winter count here. With regard to lowland records seen on the FBC sightings page throughout the breeding season, I have no idea which if any are to be seen as birds at breeding sites. In any case, a good number of summer records are at surprising lowland locations.


To be honest, the best highlights for me in 2022 have been with dragonflies.... 

36 Golden Ringed Dragonfly 16 June - 8 Aug.

112 Migrant Hawker 30 Aug - 28 Sept.

37 Banded Demoiselle 16 June - 4 Aug.

8 Keeled Skimmer 30 June - 13 July.

2 Emerald Damselfly 4 Aug.

51 Gatekeeper with 130 butterflies counted canal Conder Green - Galgate 1 Aug.


Selected Bird/s Of The Month....All my birds except *

Barn Owl Fell End Farm Hawthornthwaite 20 Jan.

Bullfinch pair Rushy Lee 11 Feb.

Bullfinch (3) Lancaster Cemetery 27 March.

Whinchat Cockersand 25 April.

Redstart Holme Wood 29 April. 

Whinchat Harrisend 29 April.

Ring Ouzel Hawthornthwaite Fell 27 May.

Common Sandpiper (10) Tower Lodge 13 June.

Redstart Marshaw 13 June.

Redstart with juvenile Holme Wood 21 June.

Greenshank (19) Conder Pool 14 Sept.

Little Stint Plover Scar 11 Oct.

Curlew Sandpiper (3) Braides 28 Oct *

Bullfinch (3) Lancaster Cemetery 13 Nov.

Wheatear/Snow Bunting Cockersand 25 Nov.

Purple Sandpiper (2) Morecambe 13 December *


Take a look at This

Deterrents are in place to stop 270 Kittiwake pairs breeding on Spa Bridge in Scarborough....Please consider contacting North York's County Council and make your voice heard via the link Scarborough Bridge Kittiwakes


  1. That's a very comprehensive and detailed set of records Pete -
    Had my first outing since before Christmas this afternoon due to the dreaded lurgi going round. Had a stroll from Bank Houses to Bank End but was dismayed to find 5 dead swans (at least one of which was Whooper, the rest too badly decomposed) and a dead Pink Footed Goose all along the tide line, presumably the flu.
    On a more positive note a quick peek around the back of the derelict barn at Bank Houses was:- Great Spotted Woodpecker, flock of Greenfinch, single Fieldfare, Great Tit, Blue Tit and a pair of Stonechat together (male and female).
    Hope you have a happy new year.

  2. A very enviable set of records, Pete.

    I sent in a complaint to Scarborough yesterday and requested a reply. I wonder if I will hear from them after the holiday? I have to say, however, that I was impressed by their cancellation of the New Year fireworks display in deference to the wellbeing of the Walrus. On that note, why is there an obsession with fireworks that are so loud, when the colouful ones are so much more spectacular? I'd like to see noisy fireworks banned.

    My very best wishes to you and KT for 2023. Things are continuing to improve here - - - - Richard

  3. Ian....Grim and disturbing news about the dead swans, but thanks for the more positive stuff.

    A HAPPY NEW YEAR to you Ian.


  4. Richard....Hope we do receive a reply from N.York's County Council. Negative and positive side by side, with the Kittiwakes evicted from the bridge, whilst the Walrus was protected from the fireworks!

    To you Richard and Lindsey A HAPPY NEW YEAR....Pete.
