BIRDING THE LUNE ESTUARY THE FOREST OF BOWLAND AND BEYOND..........................................................................HEN HARRIER COCKERSAND PETE WOODRUFF

Sunday, 10 September 2023

Trying To Keep Positive About Birk Bank.

It's not my intention to be too negative about my experience around Birk Bank this past week, just to be realistic and record what wildlife wasn't seen as equally important as what was seen. But to be honest, the saving grace about the day was that I found one dragonfly species I was hoping for, a bit of an improvement in butterfly numbers, and later saw two chats I was hoping for too.

The Dragonflies.

Black Darter Male

With two visits to the bog three hours apart, it was a struggle to eventually find a nice Black Darter male, seen as a late emerging species during August. 

Common Darter Male

But this was only one of a pitiful three dragonfly sightings over two hours on the boardwalk, the others being an adult male and immature male Common Darter.

 Common Darter Immature Male. Birk Bank Bog 6 August. Pete Woodruff.

The last Keeled Skimmer I saw at Birk Bank was on 8 August, and I've seen nor heard of any reports from here since....Something of a concern regarding this years bog Keeled Skimmer colony.

Another downside regarding this years Birk Bank Keeled Skimmer, despite seeing them in recent years around the damp areas and runnels on the west side of Ottergear Bridge, I haven't found them here this year.

The Butterflies.

At least the butterflies made an attempt at showing themselves, with 6 Red Admiral, 4 Speckled Wood, 2 Small Copper, and a Painted Lady was only my third this year.

The Birds.

Other than a few sightings of Wood Pigeon flighting here and there, I recorded 2 Buzzard soaring together with their evocative mewing call, and 2 Stonechat, which in itself was interesting because they were both male within a few metres of each other and appearing amicable. I don't ever recall seeing two male Stonechat in close company with each other.

Green Woodpecker.

Searching through my records, I found my last sighting of Green Woodpecker was at Birk Bank 2 years ago in April 2021, I also found one in Gibson Wood on the same day. Previous to these two records, I found a Green Woodpecker also at Birk Bank in July 2020....I think I'm overdue seeing a Green Woodpecker!


  1. The sighting of a Black Darter would make up for any other short-fall in numbers of birds, butterflies or dragons for me, Pete. It is a good few years since I last saw one - just checked, it was July 2017! I was just commenting to Lindsay yesterday that I've not seen a Painted Lady this year, other than a 'probable' passing through our garden a couple of days ago. Green Woodpecker is another species that I have gone too long without seeing. I guess it's a combination of getting out less frequently and a decline in numbers.

    My very best wishes - stay safe - - - Richard

  2. Richard....Interesting notes about the Black Darter, Painted Lady, and Green Woodpecker, about which in my case with the woodpecker, definitely a decline in numbers I would suggest, certainly not getting out less frequently.

    Kind Regards, and thanks for you continuing support with visits to B2B....Pete.

  3. Concerning news about the Keeled Skimmer colony and I just hope they can be found next year. Black Darter was a good find and I would jump to see one in Kent. Take care.

  4. Marc....Thanks for your comment re the 'missing' Keeled Skimmers at Birk Bank. Might just be a negative stand by myself, but to be honest I don't think so.

    Good to hear from you again Marc, and thanks for looking in.

