BIRDING THE LUNE ESTUARY THE FOREST OF BOWLAND AND BEYOND................................................................................SCAUP MORECAMBE BAY PETE WOODRUFF

Wednesday, 4 September 2024

Last Chance Saloon!

Not quite the last chance saloon for Odonata, but heading in that direction with the exception of Migrant Hawker being a certainty, and a few others possible.

Golden-ringed Dragonfly Male. Pete Woodruff.

A visit to Birk Bank Bog had me thinking I had probably seen my last Keeled Skimmer for 2024, and having not seen one this time this is even more likely to be the case. But there was a pleasant surprise when 2 Golden-ringed Dragonfly came obligingly close to the boardwalk, also 4 Black Darter were seen as 3 male and a female, with 2 Common Darter male seen.

Southern Hawker Male. Pete Woodruff.

On the same day, I readily took up an invitation to take a tour round a garden in the Lune Valley, here I enjoyed the sight of 2 Southern Hawker patrolling the impressive pond here, a few Common Darter were also seen and included a pair in cop.

Common Hawker Female. Steve Graham.

But the best of the tour came when a female Common Hawker was found basking on Teasel, not surprisingly this was a first for the site.


Butterflies paid a major part of the day which was good news given the dire situation with Lepidoptera this year.

In this garden and surrounding meadow, 21 Red Admiral, 16 Peacock, a Painted Lady and Comma were seen.

At Birk Bank, 6 Peacock, 3 Red Admiral, and a Small Copper were around the bog. But best was to come, when 4 Purple Hairstreak were in a small Oak at the top of the path from the bog.

In my book, the perfect end to a perfect day. Last Chance Saloon....Are you having a laugh!

Golden-ringed Dragonfly.

The surprise of 2 Golden-ringed Dragonfly found at Birk Bank on 31 August, appears to be the latest in a search through up to 100 records of the species in West Lancashire, and certainly none to be found in September.

The earliest record of Golden-ringed Dragonfly in Lancashire, is of one found 37 years ago on the River Lune at Halton 28 May 1987, this record was regarded at the time as a site outside the range of Golden-ringed Dragonfly. Records show the species numbers peaking in July, before fading away in late August.


  1. How refreshing to hear that you are getting to see so many Odonata about along with the butterflies finally starting to show especially the Purple Haitstreak.
    Thanks for the report.
    Ian Mitchell

  2. A nice little haul of dragons and butterflies, especially the 2 Golden-ringed Dragonfly and 4 Purple Hairstreak.

    Many thanks for showing our gratitude for B2B, I appreciate this Ian.


  3. Hello Pete,
    well what can I say, I and the dragonflies don't understand each other that well, before I'm ready to press the shutter button they're already gone... but with you I can see what I missed...;-))
    Greetings Frank

    1. I know you will continue to keep on trying for the dragon photo's, and I will keep on looking in on your website to see the results when you get them Frank.


  4. Hello Pete, I agree with Frank above, I have never managed to take decent pictures of dragonflies. But you catch them so I and others can watch them. Great work Pete!

    1. My reply to Frank is the same as this one to you Lasse, and I will watch Sellburg Nature Photo in anticipation to see the results. I'm setting you - and Frank - a challenge here Lasse!

      Thanks for your continuing interest in B2B, it is much appreciated.


  5. Beautiful pictures Pete!!! Regards and happy September..

  6. Thank You Ana.

    Regards and Viva Espana....Pete.

  7. Dragonflies can be frustratingly difficult to photograph and dogged perseverance seems to be the only answer! Meadowhawks are common around here at this time of year but we are certainly approaching the end of Odenates Season!

    1. David....Many thanks for your visit to B2B, long time no see. I have only found your comment this morning Sunday 8 September which was in 'Spam'. If I haven't contacted you soon, would you please contact me please, I'd love to talk.


    2. Will do. There is no accounting for what Blogger can do!

  8. Hi, beautiful photos of the dragonflies. Have a nice weekend !

    1. Caroline....For some unknown reason, your message - which as always is much appreciated - was also in 'Spam' along with David's and I have had to publish both of them myself....Puzzle!

