Sunday, 5 January 2025

Sluggish Start To 2025!

Sluggish and little to report, but never any less the pleasure of birding for me.

The tide was well advanced when I arrived at Glasson on Thursday and had driven most of the waders off the estuary. But I noted a pair of Goosander, and it was good I saw two drake and a female Goldeneye, seen as the only three individuals found here this winter, and looking like a scarce bird for our area now. This despite its status being recorded 3 years ago in the LDBWS Annual Report as....'a fairly common visitor to the Lune at Glasson'....I doubt that the Goldeneye will be recorded as 'common' in the next report!

I couldn't resist a video of the ducks on a cold but beautiful January day, on a calm river in an attractive setting....Pump up the volume to hear 17 secs of 22 delightful whistling Wigeon.

There was nothing to report at Glasson Dock, until a Kingfisher flew across the canal basin toward the marina. Neither was there much action at Cockersand, but over a couple of hours here, it did turn out to be something of a mini raptor fest.

Although the high tide was a little under 10m, 4 Rock Pipit were pushed off the marsh and were on the shingle. There was up to 1,500 Golden Plover in fields, with 150 Curlew, and possibly 180 Whooper Swan scattered over three fields.

The raptor foursome started with views of a Barn Owl followed by a Merlin soon followed by a Buzzard.

The Little Owl was again basking in the sun on its favoured girder on the farm building at Bank Houses with a horse appearing to be on guard duty.

The Cockersand Barn Owl.

I had the same experience with the Barn Owl today as I had at the start of the year on 7 February, the account of which is copied here.... 

The Barn Owl took off from Bank Houses at the same time I started my circuit of Cockersand. It was in view for up to an hour as I walked along Moss Lane until I reached the Lighthouse Cottage at 2.25pm. In the hour, the owl crisscrossed every field in the area, and hunted along every ditch and hedgerow, diving to the ground at least six times without success, and perched on fence posts about the same number of times.

Thursdays sighting ended with views of the Barn Owl flying south toward Abbey Farm, I then picked up a female Merlin rocketing south across the same field to cause up to 2,000 Golden Plover/Lapwing/Curlew and Starling to panic. I myself panicked when I saw the Merlin mobbing the Barn Owl, but the pair disappeared behind bushes. I didn't see the Merlin again, but was sure the Barn Owl escaped the attentions of the raptor to take refuge at Abbey Farm.

And Finally.

In my inbox I received two brilliant images recently, both of which represent my appreciation and respect for the ability to freeze a moment in time with excellent photography. 

Goosander. Martin Jump.

This one from Martin shows the Goosander with the catch of an Eel and lookers on, one showing anger, and one with envy.

Blue Tit. Ian Mitchell.

This one of a Blue Tit coming in to land on Ian's garden feeders. Thanks Martin and Ian....Amazing stuff. 


  1. Didn't manage to spot the Little Owl on my Cockersands circuit unfortunately but saw the Golden Plover looking splendid in the sun.
    Interesting interaction between the Merlin and Barn owl.
    I enjoyed the video of the whistling Widgeon, I never tire of that sound.
    Stay warm.


    1. Sorry you missed the Little Owl 5 minutes after I had seen it. The whistling Wigeon are delight aren't they.

      Thanks for keeping in touch Ian....Pete.

  2. Hello Pete,
    I listened to the beautiful whistling for 17 seconds, I really liked it, the little owl is happy about a few warm rays of sunshine and the picture of the goosander with the eel is a favorite
    Greetings Frank

    1. I appreciate your input and thanks for your compliments Frank.


  3. Hi Pete, beautiful photos and videos. You have a lot of wind too there. Greets

  4. The wind is a nuisance for making videos, you are quite right, but muting them whilst processing turns them into silent movies which I don't like.

    Thank you for your compliments and visits Caroline....Pete.

  5. Hi Pete!!! Best wishes for 2025...Many birds and happiness...

  6. Feliz Año 2025 and many birds and happiness to you too Ana.

    With Kind Regards....Pete.
