BIRDING THE LUNE ESTUARY THE FOREST OF BOWLAND AND BEYOND..........................................................................HEN HARRIER COCKERSAND PETE WOODRUFF

Thursday, 14 September 2017

Woe Is Me!

Any birding plans I might have had have gone out of the window over the past few days, but on Tuesday I found myself returning via the A588 from a non-birding trip to the Fylde, I gave myself the time to call in at Fluke Hall and find an adult Mediterranean Gull, preening just west of here on Preesall Sands, with a Wheatear on the sea defence boulders.

Calling in at Conder Green on my way back to Lancaster, I found Conder Pool had resurrected itself from the dead, with 5 Greenshank, a Common Sandpiper, and 12 Little Grebe all breathing life back into it, whilst saving me from a total blank for birding since last Friday. 

The Common Sandpiper at Conder Green is presumed to be this winters bird here, but the returning Spotted Redshank has yet to appear and had done so by this time last year on 12 September.

With birding prospects not looking good recently, and to be honest still don't....Woe is me!

The Redshank.

Redshank. Howard Stockdale.

This Redshank was ringed in France on 10 September 2010, it has only been recorded in England once in June 2016, and has since returned to France the following year in June 2017. 

14/09/2010 France MOEZE Tanne Round L. Jomat
21/09/2010 France MOEZE Tanne Round V. Lelong
19/09/2012 France SAINT-FROULT Monportail South W. Tijsen
04/06/2016 England Lancaster Over Wyresdale H. Stockdale
22/06/2017 France TEICH (LE) Ornithological Park C. Feigné

I'm grateful to Howard Stockdale for sending me his sighting of the ringed Redshank he found, and to Richard du Feu and Vincent Lelong for dealing with the record which was unavoidably delayed.

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