BIRDING THE LUNE ESTUARY THE FOREST OF BOWLAND AND BEYOND..........................................................................HEN HARRIER COCKERSAND PETE WOODRUFF

Sunday, 14 October 2018


I spotted a moth to photograph in the garden in the week, which at least gave me a little material to give the breath of life to Birds2blog until I get the green flag for birding again. 

It was The Vapourer, a caterpillar of which I had photographed in the garden a couple of years ago. Only the male has functional wings, the female rarely moves from her cocoon, and usually lays her eggs on the cocoon itself.

The caterpillar is easy to recognise with red spots on it's hairy body, four cream 'shaving brushes' and assorted hairy 'horns'.


The Great Escape.

Thanks to Lynn Woodruff I was released from my housebound prison for the first time since the incident of 2 September, and was escorted along with KT on a walk along the Stone Jetty at Morecambe where I was rewarded with an October butterfly, a Wall Brown basking on the sea defences.

Wall Brown Marc Heath  

A species of conservation concern due to habitat loss and the resulting drop in population, reflected by my own records as the first and only one seen since 13 August 2017.

Thanks to Marc for the Wall Brown, and to Richard for the Iceland Gull header. I'm predicting one in our area before Christmas, probably at Heysham Harbour....Here's hoping I'm fit once again by then to able to go see it.  


  1. Nice to see you back out again Pete. Look forward to a few more posts from you soon. Best wishes.

  2. Delighted to hear you managed a trip out, Pete, and somewhat envious that you found a Wall Brown. We used to have a place within easy walking distance of our home which was a sure-fire place for them, but I've not seen one anywhere for several years.

    Interested to see your Vapourer. We get the caterpillars most years in our front garden, but I've never seen the moth. Maybe I will, now I've got a moth trap!

    Take very good care, Pete - I hope that you're out birding again soon. My very best wishes - - - Richard

  3. Pete . Good news that you are recovering and are able to get out for some fresh air.I know it is very frustrating not to be as active as previously but time is a great healer and I am sure you will be back to your old self before too long.Take care.

  4. Hi Pete!!!.. Thanks for comment.. Nice shots of everyone..
    I wish you a lovely Autumn..
    Greetings from Madrid
