BIRDING THE LUNE ESTUARY THE FOREST OF BOWLAND AND BEYOND..........................................................................HEN HARRIER COCKERSAND PETE WOODRUFF

Sunday, 5 May 2019

Good Afternoon.

Having been a little tied up in the morning, I decided to give Conder Green the benefit of my birding for Friday afternoon, and spent what developed into a pleasing three hours there.

Spotted Redshank Conder Pool 3 May. Pete Woodruff.

As with Tuesday, when it was catch up with the Little Ringed Plover, I caught up with another 'Conder Special' this time it was the Spotted Redshank.

Spotted Redshank/Black-tailed Godwit. Pete Woodruff.

Thinking it was one of the 48 Black-tailed Godwit it was in company with, it was obligingly enjoying the feeding frenzy in front of the viewing screen at Conder Pool.

A mass arrival of Swallow and Sand Martin today included a mix of up to 200 over Conder Pool, with a few House Martin seen. A Little Ringed Plover seen again, with 6 Avocet and a pair of Greylag with nine gosling. In the creeks, a Greenshank and Common Sandpiper, and on a wander, a Lesser Whitethroat included my getting a good recording - but not quite as good as the one below - of the singing bird heard on Tuesday north of the picnic area at Conder Green. A Whitethroat, Blackcap, Sedge Warbler, and a Dunnock, a Whimbrel heard calling on the estuary.

Common Tern.

A Common Tern was back on Conder Pool again yesterday, the earliest date of the five previous years, and three days earlier than last years arrival on 7 May. Thanks to Ian Pinkerton for the alert text.  


  1. Super Spotted Redshank images, Pete! Spotted Redshank is a real bogey bird for me - never seen one, let alone photographed one.

  2. A good bird to see, let alone photograph Pete. Hope the Common Terns return safely to breed.
