BIRDING THE LUNE ESTUARY THE FOREST OF BOWLAND AND BEYOND..........................................................................HEN HARRIER COCKERSAND PETE WOODRUFF

Sunday, 4 April 2021

Godwit Headline Conder Pool....Again.

Although it was a pleasant sunny day, to be honest Conder Pool was a bit dull when I arrived there, but things were about to change for the better....much better. Unknown to me I was about to experience another of those excellent birding moments that crop up now and again if you keep at it.

All of a sudden, a couple of hundred godwits flew over the pool, escaping the Lune Estuary from the incoming tide. They wheeled around for a few minutes, before settling on the island where they were soon joined by others to form a flock of up to 1,000 Black-tailed Godwit.

Black-tailed Godwit Conder Pool 13 March. Courtesy of Howard Stockdale.

I was delighted to see these stunning elegant waders on Conder Pool, which added to two other recent impressive counts of BTG, one report of 4,100 seen on the Lune Estuary at the Conder mouth 27 February, another 1,000 seen a little later further downstream, made the possibility of making this record an all time peak count of in excess of 5,000 birds. Worth noting, the Lune Estuary peak count in February 2019 was of 2,620 BTG. The second record which included a ringed bird, was of yet another peak count of 2,500 BTG on Conder Pool 13 March....Magic birding moments for me, and for all concerned in these sightings I would imagine.  

The godwits were accompanied by 6 Dunlin and at least one Knot. Also on the pool, 2 Avocet, 15 Tufted Duck and 10 Teal to note. 

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I probably saw up to 100 Meadow Pipit flighting and in the fields at Cockersand, a White Wagtail stood out amongst the Pied Wagtail, a lone Reed Bunting and 2 Stock Dove. In the air, at least 10 Sand Martin through, a distant Raven flew out over the sea, cronking at another lone corvid harassing it, c.500 Pink-footed Geese flew south, 20 Golden Plover were flighty over fields, and off Cockerham Sands CP, 15 Eider

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It was good to watch c.60 Dunlin with Ringed Plover on the flood, whilst listening to the joy of a Skylark in full throttle.

The circuit of Cockersand ended with a bit of a disappointment as I failed to find my first Wheatear. But ne'r mind eh!....who needs a Wheatear when you can see nearly 1,000 Black-tailed Godwit on Conder Pool. 


  1. I can only dream of how exciting it must be to see that many Black-tailed Godwits, Pete. Just one sends my pulse racing!

    Best wishes - stay safe - - - Richard

  2. Hi Peter... Very nice picture and videos... I hope you're having a good time... Be safe...
