Sunday, 11 July 2021

Better The Dragons Than The Birds.

Wednesday was a dragonfly day for me, which was the real purpose of my visit to Birk Bank and the surrounding area. 

It's difficult to say Birk Bank bog was disappointing, but despite two visits I saw just 2 Keeled Skimmer males briefly, and 4 Large Red Damselflies. Birds of note to and returning from Cragg Wood, 3 Blackcap, 2 Chiffchaff, 2 Jay, a Kestrel showing off its hovering skills, and a Buzzard mewing as it soared overhead, at least one pair of House Martin have a nest at Cragg Cottage.

River Conder Looking West. Pete Woodruff.

At the River Conder by Cragg Wood, as I sat munching cheese biscuits and a swig of orange juice, the first of what turned out to be my sixth Golden-ringed Dragonfly in a week flew downstream and over the ford.

 River Conder Looking East. Pete Woodruff.

It was soon followed by three more individuals downstream, to add to one seen on the east side of Ottergear Bridge 29 July, and one on Grizedale Brook 1 July.

Ottergear Bridge West Side. Pete Woodruff.

As I returned from Cragg Wood, just off the west side of Ottergear Bridge I saw 2 Keeled Skimmer males over the boggy area as I had on 29 June

In four hours around Birk Bank, I saw just five butterflies, 3 Meadow Brown, a Red Admiral and Small Heath.

Lizard & Moth.

Common Lizard. Pete Woodruff.

The Common Lizard was on the boardwalk at Birk Bank bog. 

Northern Spinach. Pete Woodruff.

Also seen, a Northern Spinach which had a damaged left wing tip. 

1 comment:

  1. You've had better luck than me, Pete. In the New Forest in the hope of ending my Golden Ringed drought and all I've had so far is dull wet weather. Flood warning out for tomorrow. Looks like I might have a slim chance on Thursday. Having difficulty avoiding the Covidiots too, so not great. Best wishes, stay safe - - - Richard
