BIRDING THE LUNE ESTUARY THE FOREST OF BOWLAND AND BEYOND..........................................................................HEN HARRIER COCKERSAND PETE WOODRUFF

Sunday, 24 December 2023

Greetings And Good News.

A Very Happy Christmas To Everyone 🎅

To the many followers of B2B - up to 100 every publication - can I offer a sincere thank you for the support which generates the encouragement for me to 'keep up the good work' as I am often told to do.

Also, many thanks to the dedicated photographers - their work is always credited - who take such an interest in the blog, that they regularly supply excellent images to brighten up the pages, always adding interest, colour, and often including some drama.

Excellent News From Cumbria.

I recently read a couple of articles that give hope for the future of our local wildlife, which we are often told is rapidly going down the pan worldwide. I don't think either of these articles could be regarded as spectacular, but they are both positive in nature....Excuse the pun!

Pied Flycatcher. Howard Stockdale.

There has been the best Pied Flycatcher breeding season in a decade in an area of the Lake District National Park, were in early summer a count of 29 singing males was recorded, this number brought about the suggestion that there was a population of up to 60 pairs.

Some habitat management work had been carried out at the Hawsewater RSPB Reserve, involving the clearing of holly that blocks out the light, this also allowed plants, and insects as a food source, to flourish.

Given the Pied Flycatcher returns to breed here in the UK every summer from West Africa, this is a joyful tale of success about one of my personal favourites, along with it's cousin, the Spotted Flycatcher.

Peat Bog Hawsewater. Lee Scholfield.

The other piece of excellent news from Hawsewater, is that a peat bog is to be restored to help wildlife, when a team of thirty soldiers will lend engineering skills and collective strength to re-wet this not easy to access area.

Thanks to Brian Rafferty for the header with a seasonal feel and appropriately suited for a birding blog.


  1. Merry Christmas to you to. The upper Lune Valley has also had a very good Pied Fly breeding season as well. The other good news about Haweswater is that the Marsh Fritillary butterfly has naturally colonised from a nearby re-introduction scheme. All the best Pete for 2024.

    1. Upper Lune Valley? I failed to get anything concrete about Barbondale but enquiries ongoing. Thanks 'Anonymous'....All the best for you too Steve?

  2. I saw the good news about the Pied Flycatcher on the BBC news, it is a bird I don't ever remember seeing. The Hawsewater picture looks like Riggindale Crag, hope they can also the restore the pair of Golden Eagles that once flew there that I always enjoyed watching.

    Have a good Christmas and new year.


  3. Must put the lack of Pied Flycatcher right for you next year Ian. I'd say you are correct with the Riggindale Crag suggestion.


  4. Lovely Pied Flycatcher. Season's Greetings Pete.

  5. The Pied Flycatcher is a beauty isn't it. Hope you are keeping well, and are enjoying the Christmas period.

    My Kind Regards to you Bob....Pete.

  6. Hope you had a good Christmas Pete and a prosperous New Year. Thanks for all the updates

  7. Good to see you on B2B David (Wigan). I did have a good Christmas, and hope you did too.

    All Good Wishes for 2024 David, when I do hope to bump into you probably at Conder Green.
