BIRDING THE LUNE ESTUARY THE FOREST OF BOWLAND AND BEYOND..........................................................................HEN HARRIER COCKERSAND PETE WOODRUFF

Monday, 9 January 2012

The 'Quickie' Post.

My apologies to all those who have seen what follows before but....

Out of the water
Stonechat. Brian Rafferty.

I had no intention of a post on Birds2blog, maybe one the end of the month....I've sadly still not got the time. However, trawling through the various favourite birding/photography blogs to try and secure my sanity, I discovered that I had missed by one day this amazing photographic record on its second anniversary yesterday 8 January 2010 illustrating an event I reckon nobody could ever have foreseen....that of a 'chat' fishing through an ice-hole in a lake on the return of the 'ice age' during the winter of 2009/10. As can be seen in the photograph the bird was having success in catching Common-back swimmers. At the time I claimed BR's pics to be unique, made sure the event was featured in British Birds magazine, and as I was never challenged the claim still stands.

Stonechat. Marc Heath. 

OK, me being Pete Woodruff, you wouldn't expect to get away with just one photograph of the Stonechat would here's another brilliant one taken recently by 'Reculver Birder'.

Many thanks to Brian Rafferty for his mind boggling pic of the 'Icechat', and to Marc Heath for his smart little bird in Kent.

I'D SOONER BE BIRDING. See you again soon....hopefully!


  1. Ah! yes I remember that, it was in ''proper'' winter weather :-)

  2. That a cracking stonechat pic!!
