BIRDING THE LUNE ESTUARY THE FOREST OF BOWLAND AND BEYOND..........................................................................HEN HARRIER COCKERSAND PETE WOODRUFF

Monday, 31 December 2012


I'm starting my 'Bowing Out Of 2012' post on a subject unrelated to birds with a photograph I recently found during one of my daily trawls.

Photograph Courtesy of Gary Jones.

This picture of these two creatures is by far the best wildlife image I've seen all year and well beyond that. My opinion - and how this picture struck me - is that it is a moment in time like all photographs, but this one speaks a thousands words. On seeing the pose of these lions I was immediately taken in by the affection shown by the simple act of this male placing its head on the forehead of what is surely its mate. There's a lot more to be said here, but little more needs to be said about this brilliant image created by the lions and through the camera of Gary Jones Thanks Gary....pure magic by these creatures and by your photography, looking forward to seeing your achievements in 2013.

And the final birds for 2012....

Wigeon Martin Jump

A couple of images of 'birds in a flap' which took my eye and offer a photograph with a difference. Thanks for the Wigeon Martin....Excellent, and hope you'll allow some more of your work on Birds2blog in 2013.

Blackcap Noushka Dufort

The 'flapping' Blackcap, and another photograph with a difference. Thanks for this Noushka....Brilliant as ever and thanks for allowing your work on Birds2blog in 2012.

And finally, a MEGA worth mentioning....

Red Fox Sparrow. Mike Ross.

A Red Fox Sparrow has been in Finland for several days now, an extremely rare American vagrant and only one Fox Sparrow recorded in 1961, Co Down, Ireland. There's some classification on status attached to this bird....but we'll leave that to the scientists!

Don't forget to 'clik the piks' they're as stunning as ever if you do.

A HAPPY NEW YEAR to everyone who has ever looked in and supported Birds2blog these past four years, and to those who hopefully will look in and support it in 2013.


  1. Hi Pete,
    I'll be looking in as usual next year :-)
    All the best mate!

  2. Great pictures to end the year on. Gary is a brilliant photographer isn't he. Hope you have a fantastic bird filled 2013.

  3. Feliz año nuevo Pete.Un abrazo

  4. Hi Pte!!!..I hope next year brings you love health and happiness. And of course. Good pictures ... Love and Kisses.. Y Feliz 2013...

  5. Thanks for your kind words Pete, it was a magic moment to witness such a tender moment between the two of those right place right time shots!! hopefully lots more to come this year, needless to say will be looking in as usual , All the best Mate!!

  6. Warren/Findlay/JR and Sue/Adam/Isidro/Ana/Gary....You already know how much I appreciate your comments and support, but I'm saying it once again....much appreciated.

    And Gary....Your Lion image blew me away.

  7. Peter keep up the good work,always a good and interesting read with brilliant images to brighten up a day like today.
