BIRDING THE LUNE ESTUARY THE FOREST OF BOWLAND AND BEYOND..........................................................................HEN HARRIER COCKERSAND PETE WOODRUFF

Friday, 21 February 2014

Bay Birds....

....and the ramblings of a lunatic.

After an appointment at 2.00pm in Morecambe on Wednesday I decided to give a look into the bay for a couple of hours from Broadway to Teal Bay. Not the most exciting area of the bay for birds but an adult Mediterranean Gull at Teal Bay was a nice find, with 17 Bar-tailed Godwit and c.275 Dunlin coming in to feed as the tide dropped, a Little Egret could be seen at Hest Bank from here. 

Great-crested Grebe Astland Photography 

I saw 7 Great-crested Grebe along the way, also 4 Red-breasted Merganser, 3 Eider, and 3 Goldeneye.

Siskin David Cookson 

Three Siskin visited our garden today, two had paid visits on 2/3 March 2013, so this is a peak count and an excellent garden record.

And the lunatic from the dark ages speaks out.   

With no names, no pack drill, and keywords highlighted by me. This is a letter to a Scottish newspaper recently from a man BIG in the world of 'Gun Sports'.  A dangerous combination of lack of knowledge and the misfortune of having been gifted with an inactive brain is shown here, the problem is....too many people listen and take note of what he says and does. These are the kind of dangerous people we need to continually worry about, and continually ask....what are we going to/can we do about them for the sake of our wildlife.

 Sea Eagle Martin Lofgren 

Listening to and reading about the Sea Eagles, I found most of it incredible and so ‘too bad’ as far as the loss of lambs was concerned, they didn't even mention hogs or ewes.
Then, for Mr W to say....'Sea Eagles are here to stay'....surely it’s time for him to vacate his perch and if that is the view, what a precarious position hill sheep farmers and crofters are in.
Nothing short of complete eradication will do, and it is the same for the Pine Marten, both should be absolutely destroyed. The NSA, the CC, and the CF should be backing this to the hilt. 
Will Mr L or Mr W do anything about the Sea Eagle? No, they didn't even prick their ears until a danger to our native eagle was mentioned and, for Mr L to say they are a tremendous tourist attraction is rubbish. If, like me, he had spoken to tourists from all over the world over the last 20 years, he would know they don’t come for one attraction but to see as much as they possibly can. The oblivion of the Sea Eagle wouldn't matter and, indeed, would be an absolute blessing for the countryside and its animals.


  1. The author of that letter seems to be a complete twat!!

    Another of those people not living in the real world with the rest of us

  2. Trans World Airline Tickets....sums him up nicely Warren. The big worry is there are a lot of them.

  3. Please name and shame this very small minded, badly informed and obviously cretinous creature.

  4. Senior in the SGA Phil, can't remember his name to be honest, but if he's anything connected to any Gun Association he obviously has slates loose.
