BIRDING THE LUNE ESTUARY THE FOREST OF BOWLAND AND BEYOND..........................................................................HEN HARRIER COCKERSAND PETE WOODRUFF

Tuesday, 20 September 2016

Wot No Exotica!

Little and Large. Pete Woodruff.

First bird seen at Conder Green yesterday was the Spotted Redshank alongside and dwarfed by the Grey Heron, soon after 2 Greenshank gave themselves away flying over the creeks with their powerful triple 'tyew-tyew-tyew' call, 2 Common Sandpiper were seen today, and the result of more persistence on the count was 17 Little Grebe on Conder Pool, 16 Redshank, 3 Snipe, and 4 Teal noted. I watched a House Martin enter a nest again at Cafe d' Lune, and 18 Greylag were on the marsh including one of the two recently seen birds collar marked SDN.

Little of note on the Lune Estuary, but up to 550 Golden Plover were in the mix of a horde of Lapwing. On Jeremy Lane, a Buzzard and Wheatear seen.

At Cockersand, the area between Lighthouse Cottage and Plover Scar is littered with plant and machinery, vans, wagons, and scaffolding is beginning to appear around the lighthouse....

Wheatear. Cockersand 19 September. Pete Woodruff.

....but beyond here 4 Wheatear  were seen, with 23 Dunlin and 12 Ringed Plover seeking refuge from the 10.23m tide on the headland below the abbey. Around Bank Houses, a few uncounted Tree Sparrow, Goldfinch, and Linnet, with good numbers of Swallow flighting and on the wires.

I legged it from here to Bank End to find a Common Sandpiper amongst probably c.2,000 waders, Oystercatcher/Redshank/Dunlin/Curlew, with 25 Golden Plover flying inland and over c.200 Curlew in a field, and a Sparrowhawk on the prowl.  

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