BIRDING THE LUNE ESTUARY THE FOREST OF BOWLAND AND BEYOND..........................................................................HEN HARRIER COCKERSAND PETE WOODRUFF

Wednesday, 7 September 2016

The Re-run.

Yesterday I did a re-run of Monday's birding.

On Conder Pool, the site-faithful Green Sandpiper showed for my fourth consecutive visit here, and showed well at that, opposite the viewing platform. The day's count was of 12 Little Grebe, and up to 50 Goldfinch were in the area again. A Sparrowhawk put up several hundred waders/gulls off Jeremy Lane as seen from Conder Green, and included Black-headed Gull, a hundred or so of which came down onto the pool, the hawk zoomed across the pool and down the creek.  

A Common Sandpiper flew down the creeks and under the iron bridge to be found a few minutes later down the channel. I watched a House Martin visiting a nest at Cafe d' Lune, I was initially puzzled by this being the end of the first week in September, but the House Martin's breeding season can be prolonged until autumn, and they can be double, even treble-brooded. 

Ruff Jan Larsson   

On the Lune Estuary, waders in view from the bowling green included 2 Ruff, 2 Greenshank, c.120 Redshank and a solitary Dunlin, up to 3,000 Lapwing were on both sides of the river. A Kingfisher flew from the canal basin and over the lock at Glasson to cross the dock and disappear behind a boat.

Cockersand Lighthouse. 6 September. Pete Woodruff. 

At Cockersand - where work on the lighthouse has yet to start - I stood on Plover Scar 45 minutes to see if anything came in towards high tide, but gained nothing more than 4 Ringed Plover, and singles of Turnstone and Dunlin, but of the 11 Wheatear I found, four were on the scar, along the headland, 14 Snipe came up off the shore.

Thanks to Jan Larsson for his image of the Ruff, much appreciated.

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