BIRDING THE LUNE ESTUARY THE FOREST OF BOWLAND AND BEYOND..........................................................................HEN HARRIER COCKERSAND PETE WOODRUFF

Thursday, 13 October 2016

By The Left....Quick March.

Well it wasn't a quick march at all, and I did'nt have the time to loiter and stand around as much as I would have liked, and was needed to do justice to my birding, but this was the hike on Tuesday to Glasson Dock from Lancaster Greyhound Bridge, with a moderate 39 species notched up.

Notable was the lone Ruff which had the flood at Aldcliffe entirely to itself. On the Wildfowlers Pool a Green Sandpiper was seen with a few uncounted Teal, a Little Grebe, and a Snipe. On Freeman's Pools, up to 90 Wigeon, a Raven was mobbed by a Carrion Crow at Stodday, and my second sighting in two days was of a Green Woodpecker around Nansbuck Cottage.

Other notes along the coastal path, 12 Little Egret on the marsh, 11 Robin, 5 BlackbirdLong-tailed Tita Goldcrest, and a Mistle Thrush. At Conder Green where I had no time to check out Conder Pool, I saw a Greenshank down the channel, and c.250 Golden Plover came off the Lune Estuary to fly south inland....but the bus to Lancaster is coming!

Pied Crow. Pete Woodruff.

What's this then....I'd describe it as a partially leucistic Carrion Crow, but maybe the Pied Crow Corvus motley seen at Lancaster Green Ayre on Tuesday 11 October, is a first for Britain!!

The Little Egret.

Little Egret. Bob Bushell

On Friday evening 7 October, 159 went to roost at Ashton Hall Lake, on the same evening 119 went to roost at Leighton Moss RSPB Reserve....that's an amazing 278 Little Egret at just two locations in North Lancashire. 

The Little Egret wasn't seen in the UK in significant numbers until 1989, they bred for the first time 20 years ago on Brownsea Island, Dorset in 1996. The first breeding record of Little Egret in Lancashire was in 2014 when up to six nests were occupied at Ashton Hall Lake, at the time the only breeding site in the county.

Thanks for the Little Egrets Bob....Excellent. 


  1. Pete. Interesting account of your day out as always.Like your find of a first for Britain..Pied Crow !!! Amazing numbers of little egrets roosting in Lancs.I wasn't aware of such a large roost at Ashton Hall.Hope to bump into you sometime..take care.

  2. Hi Pete,
    This crow is interesting, the white feathers are quite regular and 'geometric'... I wonder what's his story!!
    I bet the Little egrets are there to stay and breed well if the weather suits them.
    nice post :)
    I enjoy your visits but I am not often on the web to comments on blogs and I am off again to the Atlantic coast hoping to get a better chance at migratory birds this time.
    Keep well :)

  3. Brian....You wasn't aware of the Little Egret at Ashton Hall Lake....join the club. Yes, hope to see you again sometime too.

    Noushka....Thanks for your looking in and comments, enjoy the Atlantic Coast and the migrants you hope to see, can't wait to see the resulting images on this one.
