BIRDING THE LUNE ESTUARY THE FOREST OF BOWLAND AND BEYOND..........................................................................HEN HARRIER COCKERSAND PETE WOODRUFF

Tuesday, 30 April 2019

Catch Up!

Little Ringed Plover Conder Pool 29 April. Pete Woodruff

I caught up with one of the Little Ringed Plover on Conder Pool yesterday, although it didn't play the game for a pik for me, two birds observed in display flight on Sunday (Ian Hartley).

Black-tailed Godwit Conder Pool 29 April. Pete Woodruff.

Neither did the c.50 Black-tailed Godwit play ball, and didn't reveal themselves until a mass departure with just about every other bird on the pool caused by an unknown, when they flew off towards the estuary. Five Avocet were also on the pool with a Greenshank, and a Sedge Warbler gave brief song in the reeds upstream from the road bridge. Downstream in the channel from the iron bridge, 12 Black-tailed Godwit, with a Whitethroat from the coastal path.

At Cockersand, 7 Eider off Plover Scar, a Wheatear, the ever present Skylark singing it's everlasting flight song, and a Kestrel. I saw only 9 Swallow in 5 hours today. Butterflies noted, 4 Green-veined White, 3 Peacock, a Speckled Wood, and 9 Orange Tip, one of which was in our garden. 

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