BIRDING THE LUNE ESTUARY THE FOREST OF BOWLAND AND BEYOND..........................................................................HEN HARRIER COCKERSAND PETE WOODRUFF

Thursday, 25 July 2019

The Birk Bank Round.

Clik the piks, they are bigger and better....well I think so! 

I made a return to Birk Bank on Tuesday, doing the walk in reverse of the one done last week and starting at the bog, where in three previous visits I found the four species of dragonflies seen today, giving the impression that these are the only ones present to date on the bog at Birk Bank. 

The male and female Keeled Skimmer were mating as I arrived, later the male chased the female around all the time which made occasional pauses to oviposit. Meanwhile a male Broad-bodied Chaser was pursued by the Keeled Skimmer.

Four-spotted Chaser Birk Bank 23 July. Pete Woodruff.

The only Four-spotted Chaser in my four visits here, has persisted in settling on this twig each time I've been here.

On the walk last Monday I had seen 5 Purple Hairstreak in three different Oaks along the way. I was determined to see if I could find more in the many Oaks in the area, but I failed....perhaps my determination wasn't the 100% it needed to be.

The Purple Hairstreak can be found wherever there are Oak trees, the problem is they remain high in the tree canopy causing them to be easily overlooked, their main food source is honeydew. Seeing this handsome butterfly is made easier if a visit is made to the location on a warm summer evening.

Oak Tree Birk Bank. Pete Woodruff.

The Oak ahead of me in the old quarry held at least 2 Purple Hairstreak seen in a 30 minute watch. When I went close up to the tree, I had good views of one butterfly on the lower branches....but do they ever open their wings at rest?

Golden-winged Dragonfly Birk Bank 23 July. Pete Woodruff.

When I arrived at the stream by Cragg Wood, I soon saw 2 Golden-winged Dragonflies, one of which kept returning to rest on the handrail on the small footbridge, having the same habit as the chaser on the twig at the bog.

I watched the dragonflies at the bog to the sound of a singing Willow Warbler, and a Buzzard soaring overhead. At Cragg Cottage, nesting House Martin and 2 Goldfinch noted.

Butterflies seen, uncounted but at least 30 Meadow Brown and 4 Painted Lady, of which I've seen 63 to date.

Albeit a repeat of the last Birk Bank Round on 15 July with nothing new to add, but an excellent day with excellent dragonflies and butterflies.

1 comment:

  1. Nice to see you putting some time in for the dragonflies. A few nice shots captured too.
