BIRDING THE LUNE ESTUARY THE FOREST OF BOWLAND AND BEYOND..........................................................................HEN HARRIER COCKERSAND PETE WOODRUFF

Sunday, 5 April 2020

The ISS.

All this week I've watched the International Space Station pass over from our bedroom window, in awe at what I was seeing in the evening skies. 

Thursday was my last view of the amazing ISS, appearing at 8.47pm from WSW, and in view for 5min before disappearing South. It appeared to be drifting across the sky, but in fact it was traveling at a staggering 17,500mph at an altitude of c.500 miles above earth....It blew my socks off every time I saw it.

This video gave me 3min:20sec to forget about the tragedy that is Covid-19....I hope it can do the same for you. 

View Full Screen

One comment below the film on YouTube reads, 'Too bad it doesn't show the millions of ways we are destroying Earth' excellent choice of words, and too bad it can't provide the miracle needed to help save it.

Large Red Damselfly. Marc Heath.

Marc Heath found a Large Red Damselfly this week in Kent, one of the earliest records of the species. You can see Marc's account and stunning photography Here 

Stonechat Ana Minguez Clik the pik

The perfect excuse for another Stonechat image, and a brilliant one to boot....Thanks Ana.

I was pleased to have the record of 2 Stonechat sent to me by Barry Dyson, they were amongst the earliest passage birds seen at Singleton 2 March, and take the total to 162 Stonechat on the Fylde on passage during the month of March. 

Thanks to Howard for his contribution to B2B with his header image. I don't have a very good record for Short-eared Owl, the last one I saw was 4.5 years ago on 12 November 2015 at Cockersand.


  1. I've watched it many times and only the other night, watched a line of c25 satellites spaced out evenly move across the sky. Not sure what they were all doing. Thanks for the shot on your blog. Hopefully it will give others a smile to see they are starting to emerge. Stay safe.

  2. It was more of a weird experience than the ISS was Marc.

    I watched 20 satellites in what appeared to be a precise formation, traveling at something like the same speed as the ISS and at a similar altitude, and the same flight-line. I couldn't believe my eyes at the time.

    Google Starlink Satellite to get the full story.

  3. Brilliant Peter,really enjoyed that clip...thank you!
