BIRDING THE LUNE ESTUARY THE FOREST OF BOWLAND AND BEYOND..........................................................................HEN HARRIER COCKERSAND PETE WOODRUFF

Sunday, 13 September 2020


I've spent endless hours engrossed in birding at Cockersand, often there until dusk and beyond, and occasionally got drenched in a downpour with nowhere to hide. I always had my camera to hand for the scenery if not for the birds. 


With birds to be discovered, Cockersand sits on the chart in my book as the best in our area. Many are the times I've rocketed there in response to calls and text alerts from a birder to get gripping views of American Golden Plover (4) and Long-billed Dowitcher to mention but five.

The list of some of the birds found over the past 14 years....

2006. Broad-billed Sandpiper 15 May Maurice Jones.
2008. American Golden Plover 19 Nov Stuart Piner.
2009. Long-billed Dowitcher 13 Oct Stuart Piner.
2009. Black Redstart 9 Nov Pete Woodruff.

2011. American Golden Plover 4 Nov Stuart Piner. (Photo Stuart Piner)

2011. Kentish Plover 3 May Pete Woodruff. (Photo Mick McGough)
2012. American Golden Plover 5 Sept Stuart Piner.

2013. Dotterel 16 April Pete Woodruff. (Photo Chris Batty)

2014. American Buff-bellied Pipit 4 May Stuart Piner. (Photo Stuart Piner)
2015. Wryneck 13 April Pete Woodruff.
2016. American Golden Plover 28 Sept Stuart Piner.
2017. Lapland Bunting 24 March Pete Woodruff.
2017. Sabine's Gull 11 Sept Ian Hartley.

2018. Red-backed Shrike 27 May Kate Hughes. (Photo Ian Hartley)
2018. Pallid Harrier 16 Sept Ian Hartley.

And Finally....

I found Margery earlier in the year, she's been featured on B2B before, but certainly worth another look, and I'll swear the image of her husband is that of a birder I know!


  1. A most impressive list of birds seen on your patch Pete. I wouldn't mind seeing a few of them down here. Take care.

  2. Hi Pete... I enjoyed to listening the video.. Relax music and splendid images... Nice birds too...
    Have a beautiful September... Be safe...

  3. Amazing birds and fabulous skies too - what a superb place to have as a local patch, Pete! Ah, yes, who could forget Margery!

    Stay safe - - - Richard

  4. Marc....Wouldn't mind seeing some of the birds you see down there too, not to mention the dragonflies.

    Ana....Pleased you liked the video.

    Richard....Ah yes Margery, who could forget her indeed.

    Thanks everyone. Take Care Stay Safe.
