Conder Pool East End. Pete Woodruff.
Since the landscape was restructured in Autumn, the water level here for this time of year is far too low, and since the channels were excavated to a depth below the average winter water level, this hasn't been enough to retain a good level through the spring and into the summer.
Depth Gauge Conder Pool. Pete Woodruff.
The water level gauge is already at the pool side on dry land, if we continue to have some decent dry weather, and then go on to have a dry hot summer, evaporation will become an added factor for Conder Pool to become a glorified dried up gravel pit.
The general consensus is, we need some heavy downpours....You can make your own mind up if you think this is the answer to the problems of Conder Pool.
Overcrowding 28 May. Ian Pinkerton.
The Oystercatcher pair already have three chicks out of the box and into view, the Common Terns were making sustained dive bombing attacks, while the Black-headed Gull sits tight and waits to be involved in the war about to break out.
There are now 6 Common Tern on Conder Pool with three birds sitting. I watched one bird fly in from the Lune Estuary with a fish which was offered and taken by the female. Eight Avocet seen included last Fridays discovery of four sitting were seen again. The Little Ringed Plover was close in again, a few Sand Martin were hawking over the pool, and 2 Swift flew through.
Greylag. Pete Woodruff.
I saw 3 Tree Sparrow in the hedgerow at the back of Conder Pool, and 28 Greylag were in a field on the south side of the canal at Conder Green. It was good to see 2 Goldfinch young in our garden yesterday, also a young Blackbird made its first appearance out of the nest here.