BIRDING THE LUNE ESTUARY THE FOREST OF BOWLAND AND BEYOND..........................................................................HEN HARRIER COCKERSAND PETE WOODRUFF

Saturday, 2 January 2010

More Snippet's.

But first my thanks to Ian Tallon for sending me this excellent image of the Barrow Lodge juvenile drake Velvet Scoter complete with its next bite to eat in a freshwater Mussel......thanks very much Ian.

Well if you're looking for exciting reading you'd best move on, but if you're intent on carrying on these are a few snippets from my records for March/April in 2009.


2nd. A drake Scaup was on the canal basin at Glasson Dock, with none have been seen here yet this winter.
4th. An excellent record of 4 Bean Geese were seen from Fluke Hall Lane.
Movement of Stonechats in the month were......three on the 5th at Fluke Hall, a male on the 6th at Freeman's Pools, and on the 13th three at Aldcliffe. On the 16th six birds were at Harrisend with another six found from the Hawthornthwaite track from Marshaw on the same date.
17th. I found my first Wheatears at Cockersands with three seen.
19th. Two Wheatear had found their way up Clougha at c.400m above sea level.
30th. My first Sand Martin - by no means the earliest in the area- were over Freeman's Pools.
31st. Two Little-ringed Plover had arrived on the very same date as in 2008 on Conder Pool, and a Swallow was over the canal basin at Glasson Dock.


3rd. A Pale-bellied Brent Goose was on Pilling Marsh.
6th. A White Wagtail was at Aldcliffe, and two Little-ringed Plover were on Freeman's Pools, and a White-fronted Goose was on Pilling Marsh.
7th. At least six White Wagtail were west of Fluke Hall.
12th. An Osprey was high >NE over Glasson Dock.
14th. An amazing 22 Wheatear were within 30mtrs of each other on the sea defences behind Fluke Hall.
20th. A Cuckoo was on Birk Bank.
22nd. Eight Stonechat and a pair of Whinchat were at Barbondale.
24th. Two Whimbrel were on the marsh as seen from Conder Green picnic area, and two Common Sandpiper were found at Marshaw in the Trough of Bowland.
29th. Proof that spring was turning into summer was found from the coastal path between Aldcliffe and Conder Green with a singing Chiffchaff, two Whitethroat, a Lesser Whitethroat , three singing Blackcap, eight Whimbrel, and at Teal Bay two Sandwich Terns.

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