BIRDING THE LUNE ESTUARY THE FOREST OF BOWLAND AND BEYOND................................................................................SCAUP MORECAMBE BAY PETE WOODRUFF

Wednesday, 13 January 2010

Unique Images.

This post is designed to be a short one as I refuse to 'steal' from Brian Rafferty what must surely be the ornithological discovery of the millennium and beyond.

These two photograph's are surely unique records of the Stonechat waging war against the elements recently thrown at it as an act of sheer survival. I don't have the need to explain these birds are feeding on Great Diving Beetles through a hole in the did the hole get there you might ask.

 I'm not prepared to go further into this amazing story of discovery as BR should have - and deserves - the pleasure of your visit to his website for you to see his explanation and further photographic evidence.

Congratulations Brian I reckon you'll hit the headlines on this one......I'm truly amazed.

You can find a link to Brian in the sidebar on the left.


  1. I'm absolutely gobsmacked by these pics - this is from someone with a "seen one photo, seen them all"
    approach to 90% of published pics (especially if the word 'egret' is involved!). These are absolutely outstanding and deserve a much wide audience as an example of incredible initiative during the cold weather. Well done Brian!

  2. Not my 'story in pictures' this Pete but as you say 'gobsmacked' too, and deserving of a much wider audience......agree with that too Pete.

    I'm liaising with BR on this and if I have my way it will get a much wider this space!

  3. Pete. Thanks very much for showing what it seems may be unique images and behaviour of my local stonechats.

    If both yourself and Pete Marsh are gobsmacked so am I. I intend to upload them to Bird Guides soon to see if there is any reaction from a wider audience. If yourself or Pete Marsh require any further information or images let me know. Thanks again Pete.

  4. Yes, you need to show them to 'the world' Brian these images are almost certainly a 'first' trust me I know about these things. You haven't heard the last of this from me Brian I assure you.

    First the Hobby images at LM in the summer, now the Stonechat images in an unbelievable survival strategy......what next BR!
