BIRDING THE LUNE ESTUARY THE FOREST OF BOWLAND AND BEYOND..........................................................................HEN HARRIER COCKERSAND PETE WOODRUFF

Sunday, 14 March 2010


With no birding since Friday and little spare time on my hands for the blog its time once again to dig out some more of those brilliant images I keep finding on other peoples blogs who - having applied to them - give me permission to use on Birds2blog and which in the past have been the saviour of many a blank day on the blog until I got myself out and about on the birding scene, so on this occasion with thanks to Paul Foster and Brian Rafferty how about these for more excellent photograph's and saviour's of  a blank day....

Paul Foster had seen this Black Kite at Gigrin Farm in Wales and made comments about how boisterous the bird was when entering into the competition for a meal at feeding time at this location. I'm personally not up to date on the 'farm' or this bird but apparently there's some debate about it's origin's for some reason or another. However, none of this takes anything at all away from the fact that this is a superb image of a superb bird. Please do visit Paul's website here....  


Well if your looking for excellent photography I can point you in several directions one of which would have to be towards Brian Rafferty's website here... ... and this image of the Short-eared Owl is another example of what you can expect when you arrive there.

And here's another of BR's little beauties the Tawny Owl....what else do I need to say.


  1. Great photo's indeed Pete. something i can aspire too. ( got to find the birds first though!)

    PS glad you liked my Sparrowhawk photo. :-)

  2. Thanks on behalf of PF and BR for your kind comments on the pic's, and yes your Sparrowhawk looks good in the sidebar and that's why its there Warren, and thanks for that too.
