BIRDING THE LUNE ESTUARY THE FOREST OF BOWLAND AND BEYOND..........................................................................HEN HARRIER COCKERSAND PETE WOODRUFF

Sunday, 6 March 2011

Back in 10 minutes....

Well tomorrow actually. Meanwhile, a short video of Pilot Whales I'd love to have been able to film but probably never will, and about which you can see more via the link below the video. 

And four excellent photographs not all connected to birds but excellent just the same.

Marsh Harrier. Cliff Raby

Here's one of those 'coming soon' photographs, this one being the male Marsh Harrier which will soon be taking up residence for the breeding season at Leighton Moss RSPB reserve at Silverdale and certainly won't be alone. Of course I think there is much more excitement in finding one eyes peeled!

Great-crested Grebe. David Cookson

This photograph of the Great-crested Grebe has to be placed in the 'stunning' category, and for the photographers amongst you - as I understand it - this image is untouched in the 'fixing' studio.

And a couple of 'whats this got to do with birds' pics kindly sent to me by the man in the credits.

Slaidburn Village. Peter Guy.

A brilliant photograph of the village of Slaidburn one winters day this year. This really is my kind of photography, perhaps not directly linked to birds but certainly some great birding to be had in this area, and indeed many is the time I've had some myself and look forward to more in the future.

And finally....

The Wreck. Peter Guy. 

Stunning is the word once again for this photograph of a wreck on the River Wyre close to Fleetwood Nature Reserve, so you see....another link to the birds and birding.

Thanks to HH/DC/CR and PG for the photographs....much appreciated.


1 comment:

  1. Enjoyable post today Pete. I like that ''wreck'' very forboding looking :-)
