BIRDING THE LUNE ESTUARY THE FOREST OF BOWLAND AND BEYOND..........................................................................HEN HARRIER COCKERSAND PETE WOODRUFF

Monday, 2 April 2012

Nine for the price of one!

I've come up with another one of those lame excuses for a post on Birds2blog, but I can tell you this bloody nonsense of no birding and skeleton like blogging is all coming to an end in the coming weeks and whatever normality is to a birder I'm looking forward to it, theres a lot to this space.

I just had an enjoyable telephone conversation with a  birder I know well, and received an  enjoyable e-mail form a wildlife photographer I know in Seattle, Washington, USA. Both the conversation and the e-mail have resulted in photographs for the blog.

Water Pipit. Copy Permitted. 

In the first photograph we get nine Water Pipits for the price of one in this excellent montage. Conder Green has gained even more popularity since Water Pipits were found on Conder Pool on Sunday creating another first for this great little location. But what generated just as much interest for me was that 2 Little Ringed Plover were also discovered there on the same day, quite amazing really as they have arrived on this pool on or around the same date for the past three if not four years.

Red-winged Blackbird Tim Kuhn

In the second photograph - the result of the e-mail conversation - we have a stunning Red-winged Blackbird, and by the way, if you missed Tim's 'Snowy Owl' on Birds2blog treat yourself....Its Here.  

The range of the Red-winged Blackbird stretches from southern Alaska to the Yucatan Peninsula   in the south, to the western coast of California and Canada to the east coast of the continent. Claims have been made that it is the most abundant and well studied bird in North America, the male is all black with a red shoulder and yellow wing bar. Unfortunately  it carries with it the tag of being an agricultural pest in some areas and it has been know for the birds to have been the subject of attempts to control numbers by the use of pesticides a practice which is illegal. 

The bird has quite an impressive song too....