BIRDING THE LUNE ESTUARY THE FOREST OF BOWLAND AND BEYOND..........................................................................HEN HARRIER COCKERSAND PETE WOODRUFF

Wednesday, 13 June 2012

This and that.

I have to say I'm not yet back to anything like normal with regards to my birding life, more to the point - and to make matters worse - I'd predict the possibility of going full circle and getting to November which is where all this disruption first started twelve months ago....lots still to do and this is not good!

If you followed and signed the petition against the recent Buzzard 'persecution' issue you will be interested to keep up to date on it and learn that its not yet all over - and in my view not likely to be - and get the link to try and find out what DEFRA are really up to in this business HERE

And talking of petitions....You will see a new one to sign at the top of my sidebar if you would be so kind, to protect against the development of land at Sandleford Park near Newbury. 

OK, Newbury is a long way away from our area in Lancashire, but I came across this latest attempt at destroying yet more habitat essential for the survival of our wildlife....Please add your name to mine and the already signed figure of nearly 9,000 names as I write.  

The Little Owl is a favourite amongst many birders and this is a good short video of one on the lookout and showing sharp eyes and reflexes.

Oak Processionary Moth.

 Caterpillars. Tony Ducket.

Now here's a nasty little blighter if you're an Oak and other trees....the Oak Processionary Moth caterpillar is not only a health risk to humans it also causes serious defoliation to their principal host the Oak Tree albeit the tree recovers the following year. The caterpillar has irritating hairs that carry a toxin which is carried on the wind and can cause serious irritation to the skin, eyes, and bronchial tubes of both humans and animals.

The Oak Processionary Moth is native to central and southern Europe. Adult male moths have occasionally been found along the southern coast of England where they have either flown or been blown across from the Continent. It gets its common name from its striking habit at the caterpillar stage of forming long lines in procession on trees. 

It was found in west London along a stretch of the A40, and in Kew and East Sheen in 2006, the result of which was the first recorded breeding population in Great Britain. 



  1. Hi Peter! .. Yesterday I was photographing Owls They are fantastic .. I love .. nice video... Greetings

  2. Gracias Ana....esperamos con interes ver sus fotos Owl.

