BIRDING THE LUNE ESTUARY THE FOREST OF BOWLAND AND BEYOND..........................................................................HEN HARRIER COCKERSAND PETE WOODRUFF

Sunday, 18 November 2012

Out For A Duck!

Some post titles on blogs and website are - on ocassions - positively unoriginal and mine today is no exception....but It'll do, as I did go out today to look for a duck....and some Waxwing too actually.

 Long-tailed Duck. Graham Williams.

Last Thursday it was good to meet three birders on St Georges Quay in Lancaster who were looking for the Long-tailed Duck. It was their good luck that I had just found the bird again on the River Lune just below Greyhound Bridge. I passed this info on to the three, suggesting they parked at Sainsburys and went through the underpass to hopefully soon locate the duck which is what they did to get excellent views and the photograph above for which I'm truly grateful to Graham for forwarding on to me via Ian. This is the first and only image of this bird that I'm aware of. 

This is an excellent record for our area and in particular the location this bird has arrived and stayed at, it was present again today for its eleventh day and I found it midway between the Greyhound and Skerton Bridges this afternoon. Thanks Graham, Ian, and the other unknown one....sorry, hope to bump into you all again soon.

Waxwing. Barrow. Lancs
Waxwing  Brian Rafferty

I did a compromise with KT yesterday when a shopping trip was on the cards and I suggested if I did the 'taxi job' to the supermarket we later went to White Lund Industrial Estate in Morecambe which we eventually did to see at least 80 Waxwing outside Bookers Wholesale. I made another suggestion this afternoon and we took a walk to see 15 Waxwing by the Boot and Shoe Hotel. Twitching.... what's twitching!

I don't like the look of the weather forecast for tomorrow Monday!


  1. Preciosa la captura del Ampelis.Saludos

  2. Bah ! Waxwings everywhere but here :-(

    Long Tailed Duck thrown in as well Pete, good day for you :-)

  3. Was up at white lund myself Peter, sat afternoon,i`m working nearby!Only found 3 singeltons, but as I was leaving, flock of about 80 flew over.Always a pleasure to see and always a pleasure to read your very interesting accounts!!!!!

  4. I agree with Warren, I am disgusted and most terribly jealous to see all these Waxwings on many blogs except.....mine! LOL!!!!
    Your weather might be sad, I'd rather have more rain and the presence of these beauties here!
    A nice and lively post, despite..... the title! LOL again!!
    Cheers Pete!

  5. Adam/Isidro/Warren/Paul/Noushka....

    Your much appreciated comments are noted, with thanks to all.

  6. sorry folks who cant find the Waxwings, just posted some pics of some more. Good stuff Pete, thanks for the post
