BIRDING THE LUNE ESTUARY THE FOREST OF BOWLAND AND BEYOND..........................................................................HEN HARRIER COCKERSAND PETE WOODRUFF

Monday, 1 April 2013


Leucistic Knot. Copyright J.H.Johns. Cornwall Birding

No....this doesn't look like a Knot but it is, and neither did the one I found on Plover Scar recently but it was, and I've seen the bird again since the first sighting a couple of weeks ago. This photograph is a blueprint of my bird at Cockersands which I found with a small group of Knot feeding quietly on the scar, and which initially had me jumping to attention, but to be honest I very soon realised it couldn't be anything other than a leucistic Knot identical to this one in the photograph I found by J.H.Johns to who I am very grateful for his allowing me to publish the excellent shot of this interesting bird. As you can imagine this individual really stood out from the other members of its family, if anything my bird may have been fractionally darker than the one in the image.

Knot.Copyright On The Image.

Most visitors to Birds2blog will know very well what a Knot in winter plumage looks like, but for anyone who doesn't it's in the image above separating it as unmistakable from any leucistic bird. 

Swallow Brian Rafferty   

With the continuing weather conditions in the UK the migrants are only arriving in a trickle and there's still no sign of any Swallows in our area yet that I'm aware of. My first in 2012 was 25 March on Moss Lane Thurnham, which by coincidence is the mean arrival date for the Swallow in Lancashire.

Little Ringed Plover Ana Minguez  

But I was a little more than pleased to see the report of the Little Ringed Plover having been found on Conder Pool with two there yesterday.

We had an all time record of 4 Siskin visit our garden again last Friday. I think about the fifth visit by the species since the first a couple of weeks ago. 

Thanks to Brian/Ana/Noushka for the brilliant photographs I'm allowed to publish on Birds2blog....Did you 'clik the piks' to see them as they should be seen.

I'D SOONER BE BIRDING!....Tuesday hopefully.


  1. Lovely post Pete!
    Amazing to see leucistic Knot!
    Cheers, I hope your weather is better than ours! :(

  2. That Siskin shot is fantastic pete - well purloined :-)

    Roll on Tuesday mate!

  3. Great serie Peter.. Thanks!!!.. It´s raining.. :-(((
