BIRDING THE LUNE ESTUARY THE FOREST OF BOWLAND AND BEYOND..........................................................................HEN HARRIER COCKERSAND PETE WOODRUFF

Tuesday, 16 April 2013

Cockersands....Where's Cockersands?

Cockersands is by far one of the best coastal location I know for waders, a look at recent past records void of a search or dates is all that is needed to prop up this claim, these are five records I can remember....please feel free to remind of any I forgot. 

American Golden Plover x 2
Long Billed Dowitcher
Broad Billed Sandpiper
Kentish Plover

Not to mention the endless other scarce and common migrants which turn up here annually....

Dotterel. Cockersands. 16 April 2013. Stuart Piner.

Today yet another 'goodie' has to be added to the impressive list this area has already accumulated when I found a smart Dotterel which had detached itself from 275 Golden Plover amongst which there was some stunning 'Northern' males with their complete face to belly black compared to their 'Southern' relations.

In our recording area the Dotterel is a scarce but almost annual spring and autumn passage migrant to the Bowland area....but not exclusively to the Bowland area this spring!

I appreciate Stuart allowing me to use his image of the Dotterel at Cockersands today. Given the distance and a howling gale to deal with, an excellent photograph of an excellent bird we were both able to admire together.


  1. Pete,

    You are being modest. It is in two recording areas, and in one of those it is the first for 13 years.

    Well done.


  2. Yes....Thanks for pointing out the two recording areas - LDBWS & Fylde Bird Club - an oversight on my part. Also interesting that the Dotterel is the first record for 13 years in one of them.

    Thanks for your looking in on Birds2blog and commenting Stephen.

  3. Great find Pete, really smart birds.

  4. Boosted my passion for the birds no end.

    Thanks for this Alan.

  5. Congratulations Pete on your terrific find of a dotterel on your favourite patch.Once again just rewards for all the hard work you do in regularly covering this special part of Lancs.

  6. A real morale booster that one pete.
    Funny, I was only thinking of dotterel this morning as I scanned the paddocks, more chance of a heat wave this summer me thinks! :-)

  7. Brian/Warren....Yes, a terrific find, terrific bird, and certainly a real morale booster.

    Thanks both.
