BIRDING THE LUNE ESTUARY THE FOREST OF BOWLAND AND BEYOND..........................................................................HEN HARRIER COCKERSAND PETE WOODRUFF

Tuesday, 23 July 2013

True Colours!

 Common Sandpiper. Howard Stockdale.

Conder Green showed its true colours yesterday and some searching and time spent there produced 17 Common Sandpiper, 4 Greenshank, a Spotted Redshank, and 75 Redshank. On Conder Pool, 2 Little Egret and 2 Black-tailed Godwit. A Little GrebeWigeon, and the drake Goldeneye are all waiting for their relations to arrive for the winter. On a saunter round, a Whitethroat, a Swift seen to go under - and stay under - the gutter at Conder Farm, and the already documented House Martins still very busy at River Winds.

Linnet. Howard Stockdale.

No 'true colours' on the Lune Estuary at Glasson Dock, 2 Greenshank were quite honestly all there was of note. Cockersands was hardly ablaze with colour either with Plover Scar at high tide hosting 9 Ringed Plover, 2 Dunlin, and a Whimbrel, 7 Eider were off here. A juvenile Yellow WagtailWhitethroat and small numbers - not reaching double figures - of LinnetGoldfinch and Tree Sparrow were noted. Thanks for the images Howard....excellent.

Painted Lady Warren Baker

But the visit to Cockersands was made all the worth while by the sighting of a Painted Lady, seen as if to kick in the teeth the prediction in my last post....'not convinced we're going to see one this year'. I'm waiting for the Clouded Yellow now which I also predicted we might not see. Also 3 Red Admiral and c.60 Small Tortoiseshell seen. Thanks for the Painted Lady Warren....excellent.

Moth. Pete Woodruff.

And the moth, seen at Cockersands....I'm hopeless with moths....anyone!

Post edited....A self search on UK Moths has revealed the moth above to be a variation of the Shaded Broad-bar

Crossbill Antonio Puigg 

I'm reliably informed of 30+ Crossbill on Sunday in the Tower Lodge area in Bowland....'Clik the piks''s a must!    


  1. Can't help you much with the moth, but one website where you search is:
    Very nice publication!
    Cheers Pete!

  2. I really like the crossbill

  3. Very envious of your Wader list there Pete, Waders here are about as likey as Clouded Yellow at Conder Green :-)

  4. Hi Pete .. What a nice pictures .. love it .. Regards

  5. Noushka....I should have made more effort and searched in UK Moths which I have in my sidebar. I've edited the post accordingly.

    Adam....The Crossbill is a smart bird.

    Warren....Watch this space for Clouded Yellow and more waders!

    Ana....Pleased you like the pictures.

    Thanks to all for your interest and contributions to Birds2blog.
