BIRDING THE LUNE ESTUARY THE FOREST OF BOWLAND AND BEYOND..........................................................................HEN HARRIER COCKERSAND PETE WOODRUFF

Monday, 21 December 2015

Looking Back.

What with the weather and the need to engage in the build up to Christmas, it looks like another week may go by without any birding for me. Not, with just a few days left to the end of 2015, I took a look through the years records to note some of the highlights which have kept me inspired.

Whooper and Bewick's Swans spent almost the entire 2014/15 winter period in the Glasson/Cockersands area for the first time in my records book, and a peak count of 22 Bewick's Swan was made on 12 February, and 355 Whooper Swan on 16 March both counts off Moss Lane. Sixty Goldeneye were the peak count on the Lune Estuary on 27 January. None of these records of Swans and Goldeneye in this area look like being repeated this winter.

27 Jan. Male Stonechat off Jeremy Lane, seen again 10/12 Feb.
 3  Feb. Hen Harrier ringtail on Hawthornthwaite.
23 Feb. Five White-fronted Geese in a field near Eric Morecambe complex at L. Moss.
10 March. Eleven Stonechat, an excellent count in the Jeremy Lane/Cockersands area.
14 March. My first Wheatear of the year at Cockersands.
  7 April. A pair of Little Ringed Plover had arrived on Conder Pool.
16 April. My first lone Swift was over the River Lune at Hornby.
13 April. A Wryneck at Cockersands Country Park soon disappeared. (P.Woodruff).
20 April. Three Curlew Sandpiper were on Plover Scar.
23 April. Three Pied Flycatcher had returned to the Tower Lodge nest boxes
  4 May. I had my three pennyworth of the Pied-billed Grebe at Leighton Moss. (K.Kelly).
  7 May. Five Pied Flycatcher was the best count of my five visits to Barbondale this year.
  8 May. Five Dotterel were in a field by Lighthouse Cottage at Cockersands. (S.Piner).
22 May. The Common Tern pair returned to Conder Pool today.
30 May. I found my first ever Corn Bunting in our recording area at Cockersands.
11 June. A pair of Ring Ouzel and 6 Stonechat at White Greet.
  2 July. Four adult  Eider with 15 chicks found off Crook Farm at Cockersands.
24 July. Three Ruddy Shelduck were at Aldcliffe.
30 July. Six Spotted Flycatcher, 4 Tower Lodge area, 1 Stoops Bridge, 1 Christ Church.
 7 Aug. Spoonbill found on the Lune Estuary at Glasson Dock.
11 Aug. A Yellow Wagtail seen east of Abbey Farm.
21 Aug. Six Yellow Wagtail at Bank End.
23 Aug. Went to see the Lesser Yellowlegs at Conder Green. (I.Hartley).
  4 Sept. Eight Stonechat on Harrisend was a good record by recent standards.
  8 Sept. A Whinchat was on Clougha.
11 Sept. A Whinchat a Cockersands.
16 Sept. Eight Sanderling on Plover Scar was an excellent count for the month.
18 Sept. A Green Sandpiper at Conder Green was seen again 16 October/3 November.
27 Sept. Went to see the White-winged Black Tern at Heysham. (P.Marsh).
28 Sept. Two Little Stint on the Lune Estuary at Glasson Dock.
  8 Oct. Curlew Sandpiper Lune Estuary at Glasson Dock.  
29 Oct. A Pale-bellied Brent Goose seen off Fluke hall.
 3 Nov. Sixteen Grey Plover at Cockersands was an excellent count here.
 3 Nov. My last Wheatear of the year at Cockersands.
12 Nov. A Short-eared Owl at Cockersands.
14 Dec. A Jack Snipe on Plover Scar.

I'd sooner be birding!....A slim chance on Wednesday perhaps.

Thanks to Paul for the header image of his little gem the Firecrest. 


  1. Lets hope you can get a day out over the holiday season Pete, you cant end the year just yet!

  2. Hopefully tomorrow (Wednesday) this space.

  3. It is terrible for us, the weather I mean. I haven't been out about 2 months. Good luck Pete, you will need it!

  4. FELICES FIESTAS amigo Pete.Un fuerte abrazo

  5. Bob....Hope you get out soon, 2 months is far to long for you to have been of the road because of the weather.

    Antonio....MERRY CHRISTMAS to you too amigo.
