BIRDING THE LUNE ESTUARY THE FOREST OF BOWLAND AND BEYOND..........................................................................HEN HARRIER COCKERSAND PETE WOODRUFF

Friday, 6 January 2017

Some People Never Learn!

A brilliant cold but sunny day on Wednesday, I decided it would be good for the soul if not for birds, to leg it from Fluke Hall to Knott End. The Black Redstart found seven days ago was on the pager at 9.00am, so I decided it was time I went to take a look.

This is at least a five mile round walk, and was the road to nowhere, the bird had done a runner. Deja vu - Desert Wheatear Wednesday 23 November - some people never learn. But here's the sting in the tail....the Black Redstart was there again this Friday morning, reported by AC as he has done every day since it's arrival at Knott End. 

Mediterranean Gulls . Pete Woodruff.

Ne'r mind, I collected some pretty good compensation when a thorough sift through c.400 predominantly Black-headed Gull with up to 50 Common Gull notable, produced 4 adult Mediterranean Gull at Cockers Dyke. Also noted, up to 550 Dunlin, 3 Grey Plover, and a solitary Bar-tailed Godwit feeding on the tideline.

Along the coastal path, I saw 2 Sparrowhawk thirty minutes apart, both came from I know not where, over the marsh to fly inland and a Snipe likewise. Also noted, 2 Wren, and singles of Linnet, Meadow Pipit, and Dunnock. In the four hours I'd been on the coastal path I saw 5 Little Egret, and when I got back to the motor 4 Whooper Swan were in a field at Fluke Hall.

I was always going to do this walk along the coastal path to Knott End on Wednesday, Black Redstart or not, it was brilliant.


There really are Mediterranean Gulls in the image - Heysham Red Nab 24 August 2016 - 'clik the pik' to pick them out bigger and better.


  1. I can see you Med Gulls quite clearly.

  2. Three I hope....HAPPY NEW YEAR to you Findlay.

  3. Thanks Pete for your enthusiastic comment on my blog, yes I was quite happy to discover the quality of these 2 photos on my computer screen, a scene I never dreamed of shooting!
    It is cold too here and I a stuck at home with a bad flu I've got difficulties getting rid of!
    I hope you're well, enjoy your day and all the best again for this new year :)

  4. The images are a once in a lifetime achievement, and here's another New Year good wish from me to you Noushka.
