BIRDING THE LUNE ESTUARY THE FOREST OF BOWLAND AND BEYOND..........................................................................HEN HARRIER COCKERSAND PETE WOODRUFF

Sunday, 3 June 2018

B'dale....Part 3.

On a third visit to Barbondale, I found an excellent 10 Pied Flycatcher, it also gave me my first Spotted Flycatcher here which I saw from the gate into the plantation where I stood for several minutes to also see, 4 of the 10 Pied Flycatcher seen on the day, one of 4 Redstart, a Nuthatch, and heard the Garden Warbler singing again. 

Willow Warbler. Cliff Raby @ Fylde Coast Wildlife 

Singing Willow Warblers were resounding through the woods, 3 Dunnock were in pursuit zipping through the trees, a male Great-spotted Woodpecker seen, and a Dipper on Barbon Beck over which was a lone Swallow, notably seen as the only one on the visit, 2 Meadow Pipit, a singing Reed Bunting, Buzzard and kestrel. With the exception of a few Large White, a Small Heath was my first this year, and the only other butterfly seen....Thanks for the Willow Warbler Cliff.

Bull Beck.

Broad-bodied Chaser. Warren Baker.

I called in at Bull Beck on the way back to Lancaster. Along the path through the trees to the river, 2 Garden Warbler, and 2 Blackcap. I found a lone Little Ringed Plover on the shingle bank, with 55 Lesser Black-backed Gull loafing further upstream, a healthy looking uncounted colony of Sand Martin, and a Broad-bodied Chaser patrolling a shallow stagnant pool which it had to itself, with no competition to chase off.    


Birds missing from my records at Barbondale include, Common Sandpiper not seen here for up to 10 years when I previously saw them breeding here, Whinchat not seen since 2015, no Wheatear, and no Stonechat.

Many thanks to Paul Foster for his Serin header.


  1. Fantastic images, the Chaser is beautiful, thanks Pete.

  2. Thanks for this Bob.

    I think there may be problems commenting on blogs - including Birds2blog - at the moment, obviously not affecting you it seems, so thanks again Bob
