BIRDING THE LUNE ESTUARY THE FOREST OF BOWLAND AND BEYOND..........................................................................HEN HARRIER COCKERSAND PETE WOODRUFF

Thursday, 12 July 2018

Back To The Ranch.

Bowland birding was thwarted for me yesterday.

Yer Barred!

When I arrived at the car park on Rigg Lane, I was met by the barrier at the car park having been lowered and locked with three notices about no access, fire risk, and closed by the landowner. So it was Plan B and back to the ranch for me and some more CG updating.

Little Ringed Plover Conder Pool 11 July. Pete Woodruff.

Bird of the day was the juvenile Little Ringed Plover which paid a visit to the pool, 3 Common Tern adult seen, included the sitting  for 12 days bird on Tern Island, 6 Little Grebe, and an adult Avocet. An adult Redshank was guarding and calling constantly to what was probably Mondays chick, with another day/s old chick seen, making at least four young Redshank seen on Conder Pool recently.

At least 150 Redshank and 5 Dunlin were in the creeks as seen from the viewing platform, 10 Common Sandpiper and 2 Greenshank on the circuit, and good numbers of House Martin still active at nests at River Winds and Cafe d' Lune.

Gatekeeper. Pete Woodruff. 

Five Gatekeeper seen along a short stretch of the coastal path, with a much improved pik of one compared to last Fridays photographic efforts by me.

Common Tern Conder Pool 11 July. Ian Pinkerton.  

It took IP's continuing dedication to the CP terns, and his report and photograph today, to prove me wrong, that the juveniles hadn't dispersed, they were alive and well, and back on the pontoon on Conder Pool this afternoon, despite not having been reported anywhere on the Lune Estuary since Sunday, and not seen by me since last Friday.

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