BIRDING THE LUNE ESTUARY THE FOREST OF BOWLAND AND BEYOND..................................................................................THRUSH DUO BOWLAND PETE WOODRUFF

Sunday 16 April 2023

Deja Vu.

I had only a couple of hours available for birding on Friday, and decided to give the time to scrutinize Conder Pool and a brief look in on the Lune Estuary....Well what a good idea that was.

These two beauties were on Conder Pool in June 2019, and it was Deja vu when I found 2 Mediterranean Gull there again on Friday, seen as an adult and 2nd summer.

Also on Conder Pool, a similar number of up to 400 Black-tailed Godwit seen on last Tuesday, including a colour ringed bird, the details of which I await from Iceland, these were accompanied by 3 Bar-tailed Godwit, c.50 Knot and a lone Dunlin in their midst, at least one lingering Pink-footed Goose, and I noted a single figure of Avocet.

On the Lune Estuary, c.120 Black-tailed Godwit, a lone Bar-tailed Godwit was bathing then preening with them, 9 Avocet, 8 Eider, a Swallow working its way upstream, and a Willow Warbler briefly singing on the coastal path is the first of the year for me. Interesting, that I found 22 Willow Warbler on a wander around the Birk Bank area 14 April 2022....What a difference a year makes! 

Thanks to Howard Stockdale for the image of the stunning Icelandic Black-tailed Godwits currently on Conder Pool.

Early Birds.

Close to home, a male Pied Flycatcher at Stoops Bridge Abbeystead yesterday, was three days later than one in Wray on 12 April 2021, also a Whitethroat yesterday at Wesham Marsh. 

An interesting record at the Portland Obs, was of a Great Skua yesterday, the first this year, a note added to the record read, the Bonxie is usually year ticked on 1 January, making it inconceivable that it has taken three and a half months to see one this year, also a Whinchat was new in there three days ago on 13 April....Eyes down up look in!


  1. My first visit for a while to Conder pool on Saturday was a flying visit but I should have looked closer for Mediterranean Gulls, thanks for the video.
    The Black Headed Gulls were making quite a racket.
    Nice header picture.
    Thanks for the update.


  2. Howard's Black-tailed Godwit header is absolutely wonderful, Pete. That has to class as one of the most amazing wader sights possible.

    I enjoyed your Iceland gull clip too.

    With my best wishes - - - Richard

  3. Ian....Really pleased you got back out Ian, and think you might get more chances to see/look for the Med Gulls, possibly breeders there hopefully.

    Richard....You're certainly right re the most amazing sight of Black-tailed Godwit's on Conder Pool, but you lost me with the 'enjoyed your Iceland clip too', I think you meant Mediterranean Gull Richard.

    Thanks to both for your contributions....Pete.

  4. Oops! My head must have been elsewhere, Pete.

  5. No worries Richard....I live with this sort of thing these days, but I still know I shouldn't put my corn flakes in the tea pot!!
