BIRDING THE LUNE ESTUARY THE FOREST OF BOWLAND AND BEYOND..........................................................................HEN HARRIER COCKERSAND PETE WOODRUFF

Sunday, 28 April 2024

Probably/Possibly In Bowland!

Grisedale Bridge.

Birds in and around Holme Wood, Willow Warbler atop of gorse by Grisedale Brook, Treecreeper seen in the woods, with Nuthatch and Song Thrush in good voice, Grey Wagtail on the stream, and Sparrowhawk and Raven over Barnacre Reservoir. As I arrived back at the car, a pair of Stonechat on the roadside wall.


Stonechat Harrisend 24 April. Martin Jump.

With some of my birding - especially in the uplands - seriously curtailed, it was my first visit this year on to Harrisend Fell. So it was particularly pleasing that I found 6 Stonechat here, which has my records to read, three breeding pairs highly probable. Otherwise not particularly riveting here with just 9 Meadow Pipit seen as a low count, but maybe I should note this is only the end of April, 6 Linnet and a Buzzard was over the ridge.

Bombus lapidarius Pete Woodruff.

A Red-tailed Bumblebee queen was looking rather lethargic on Harrisend, and an Orange Tip was my first of the year, and the only butterfly seen on the day.


On to Hawthornthwaite Fell, where 2 Stonechat seen were both male, but with females likely on the nest, again my records read two breeding pairs highly probable. 

I have to say, otherwise not particularly riveting here, although up to 10 Willow Warbler were all unseen and singing, 8 Meadow Pipit was another low count, a single Red Grouse and male Reed Bunting seen, with 2 Wheatear and just 3 Sand Martin indicating the colony has not yet arrived, which appeared to be the case in a drive-by at Cam Brow.

There was a little disappointment at Hawthornthwaite, when a female Emperor Moth passed in a rapid fly-by.

The decision to call in to Stoops Bridge at Abbeystead on my way back to Lancaster was an excellent idea as I found 5 Pied Flycatcher there. So according to these observations, a distinct possibility in my book, of four pairs of Pied Flycatcher here this year. A male Blackcap also gave me excellent views.


Avocet Newton Marsh 24 April. Martin Jump.

Martin found and photographed the marked Avocet. Hopefully I may soon get some details about this sighting.

Common Tern.

A Common Tern arrived at Conder Pool this early a.m. Sunday 28 April, 6 days later than 2023. I am grateful to Howard Stockdale for this excellent news. Also good to hear from a contact, a double figure of Common Tern are now present at Preston Dock this morning. 


  1. That’s a good variety of birds seen and a good full day out by the sounds of it.
    Glad the Common Terns are starting to arrive at Conder Pool I wonder if the predominately cold northerly winds have held them up.
    Great footage and header of the Pied Flycatcher and Red-tailed Bumblebee.
    Saw my first Orange Tip (male) in my garden on 20th April.

    Ian Mitchell

    1. Thanks for comments Ian. The weather in any form has and is holding up some of the migrants, but as you say, good to see the terns back on Conder Pool.


  2. Great photos
    Greetings Lasse

    1. Thank you for looking in Lasse and your 'great photos' comment. I am going to take a look at your website and will put a link to it in my sidebar.


  3. I have never seen an Emperor Moth, Pete, but would love to do so.

    I too enjoyed your Pied Flycatcher header and video, and the Red-tailed Bumblebee.

    I know that you are ratrher fond of them, and I'm not trying to make you jealous, but we now have a pair of Bullfinches visiting the garden on a several times a day basis. I just haven't yet managed any decent photos yet.

    Best wishes to you both - - - Richard

    1. I've never seen an Emperor Moth either, hence my disappointment in the brief fly-by of the female.

      Thanks for your other comments, and I'm hoping you are soon back in top gear Richard.


  4. It has been a strange spring so far. Pied Fly & Redstarts arrived early but many migrants are still to arrive in numbers due to these recent blocking N/NW winds. Looks like these blocking winds will change this week to a more favourable direction but becoming more unsettled again. When the sun goes in still feeling like late Feb not the end of April! Steve

  5. You are right in saying 'still feeling like late Feb not the end of April' Steve. I reckon spring passed us by this time, and to think it is May on Wednesday!

    Will be in touch later Steve.

