Sunday, 19 July 2020

Thin End Of The Wedge!

I'm getting closer by the day to the thin end of the wedge with this lockdown thing. But not wanting to labour that one, onward christian soldiers an'all that....

Imm Female Common Darter. Pete Woodruff. Clik the pik

Lancaster Cemetery on the city outskirts is by far the best and biggest for wildlife, a huge expanse with trees and bushes in its excellent natural layout. KT and myself went off to find 4 Ringlet there again, with the bonus of an immature female Common Darter on a gravestone, and 4 singing male Blackcap heard on the way round.

Soldier Beetle. Martin Jump. Clik the pik 

Returning from the cemetery via the lanes, around 20 Soldier Beetle were seen on Wild Carrot, they were all in pairs apparently doing what they do best. A Buzzard was soaring over Grab Lane and 11 Meadow Brown seen. 

Digging into a bit of recent history, the Ringlet seen on two recent visits to the cemetery, were in the same area that I had found an excellent bonus of 5 Bullfinch on 30 October 2014, a bird more noted for its presence in south-east Cumbria, though it is a regular autumn migrant seen at Heysham. I reckon I'd be hard pushed to find the last previous record of the Bullfinch in Lancaster Cemetery.

In the garden. 

We have visits to the feeding station through the night, but were delighted to see 2 Hedgehog on the lawn at 10.30pm on Thursday, also we now have 2 Frog mostly seen when they have heads above the water in the pond, and we've had a total of six young Blackbird this year, and a stunning male Greenfinch put in an appearance on the feeders yesterday.

Speckled Wood on Elecampane. Pete Woodruff. Clik the pik 

A couple of butterflies seen in the garden this week, a Speckled Wood and Red Admiral.

Conder Pool Summary. 

Avocet Conder Pool 19 July. Howard Stockdale. Clik the pik 

Two young from three Avocet are now both ringed, with the third dead. The Common Tern runt is also confirmed dead.

I'm grateful to Howard for the info and images he sends me, and to Andrew who continues to keep me informed on Conder Pool and Stonechats in Bowland in particular. Also, thanks to Martin for his over-sexed Soldier Beetle image.

In the header image of the Small Tortoiseshell, I hadn't noticed the Mint moth until I got the picture onto my computer. 


  1. Nature throws all the emotions at us. Theres always going to be winners and losers as your post suggests. Take care.

  2. Sorry to hear about the losses at Conder Pool, Pete but, as someone once said, two out of three ain't bad!

    Good to see you photographing butterflies and dragonflies. I get the impression that many people have expanded their wildlife interests during lockdown - it certainly helps the retention of sanity!

    Take good care and stay safe - - - Richard
