BIRDING THE LUNE ESTUARY THE FOREST OF BOWLAND AND BEYOND..........................................................................HEN HARRIER COCKERSAND PETE WOODRUFF

Tuesday, 26 October 2010


Waxwing. Brian Rafferty.

There are two reasons why I have little time to blog today, in the first place the weather, about which if you live in our area I need say no more, and if you don't, well in three polite was raining. The other reason being that I've been involved with one of those 'other things' days.

But just to say if you don't already know, there are thousands of found and unfound Waxwings now in the country, though I must add mainly up north in Scotland, but that won't always be the case, so eyes peeled. And I reckon if you never 'heard' the Waxwing I'd strongly recommend you visit Hugh Harrop HERE but you'll probably have to turn up the volume on your computer speakers, and I reckon the third recording is the best one.

Waxwings. Brian Rafferty.

Thanks for the photographs Brian....Stunning.



  1. I'm Looking, i'm listening, but most of all i'm hoping :-)

  2. They're on their way Warren....'onest!

  3. Pete. Thanks for reminding me of these photogenic birds and of course for showing my photographic efforts once more.

    I am hoping to catch up with some of the thousands of waxwings currently in the country very soon.

  4. If I hear of any in your surrounding area before you make contact yourself I'll let you know. Stand by your charge for the service you understand Brian!
