BIRDING THE LUNE ESTUARY THE FOREST OF BOWLAND AND BEYOND..........................................................................HEN HARRIER COCKERSAND PETE WOODRUFF

Tuesday, 8 May 2012

Chris and Lyster.

I had to write up a post this evening if only to bring you up to date on the Cuckoos just in case you haven't done so yourself.

This is Chris who - along with Lyster - has arrived back in Norfolk having flown a massive 10,000 miles since he was tagged back in June last year. Quite amazingly this bird is now within a few miles of the site where he was tagged eleven months ago....mind boggling stuff. Lyster is reported as being on the Broads in Norfolk.

You will remember that Clement - who I personally sponsored - was reported dead several weeks ago and since then a 'no news' situation from Martin has put this bird as also assumed to be dead. There's lots of interesting reading about these five Cuckoos and their epic journey HERE 

And to light up Birds2blog....

Firecrest. Antonio Puigg.

Four impressive images of four impressive birds the first of which is the Firecrest, followed by....

Wryneck. Antonio Puigg.

The Wryneck which - if you live in our neck of the woods - you may have to wait a while to find/see one of these. Many Thanks to AP  for these two excellent images.

Chiffchaff. Marc Heath.

The Chiffchaff....

Ringed Plover. Marc Heath.

And the stunning little wader the Ringed Plover both from RECULVER BIRDER with Many Thanks.


  1. There seems more reports of cuckoos in the chorley,preston blackpool,east lancs and lancaster areas than there has been for a few years Peter.

  2. I wonder if this proves where the problem for Cuckoos mostly lies Pete ie; The return journey to the breeding grounds ?

  3. Two interesting comments here....

    Martin. I was't aware of anything unusual re good numbers of Cuckoos in these areas this year, obviously need to get myself up to date in this Martin.

    Warren. You could have a point there, but nobody knows the circumstances of the death of these Cuckoos, or do I need to read the report again?
