BIRDING THE LUNE ESTUARY THE FOREST OF BOWLAND AND BEYOND..........................................................................HEN HARRIER COCKERSAND PETE WOODRUFF

Thursday, 24 May 2012

Read on....again!

For a reason not yet clear to me, I have been asked to re-read the PDF....well if you wish you may also read the PDF on this subject of 'Buzzard Control' though I doubt if it will give you any reason to see it all through some other pair of glasses.... PDF

Also if you're in a reading mood - and I hope you are - you may also be interested to hear The RSPB is stunned on hearing about this 'Modern Day Gamekeeping'.

But hey....Birds2blog needs to cheer up and lighten up, so how about these three stunning and colourful images of some of our amazing birds and a 'chaser'....

Brian achieved this colourful image of waders on the beach at high tide. You can see five species in the shot, not least of all the one that 'stands out in the crowd' the stunning summer plumaged Bar-tailed Godwit with Knot, Dunlin, Grey Plover and a solitary Ringed Plover. Nice one BR....I love it!

Redstart David Cookson
David's photograph shows us one of the most brilliantly coloured birds to visit our shores each summer, the male Redstart. Nice one DC....keep 'em cumin.

Broad-bodied Chaser Marc Heath

And finally....Marc's BBC, no not the British Broadcasting Company - I'm just trying to be humorous - the Broad-bodied Chaser, a pretty smart macro image to say the least. Nice one keep 'em cumin too.


  1. Hello
    Whilst I am in complete agreement with the sentiments of yourself, Seamus and Gary amongst others, the reason I asked you to re-read the PDF was I am concerned that you have jumped the gun re-the BTO's involvement (and similarly "implicated" are NERF)

    I know from my job that it is very easy to be approached being asked for "comment"/expert opinion on one aspect of an issue and the next thing you know is that you are splashed on the internet/added as a contributor to a report containing additional controversial issues in which you were under no circumstances involved. This happened with us= Jean and myself as ornithological consultants with e.g. respect to the Claughton Moor Wind Farm.

    I contacted the BTO about this today and they appeared nonplussed and it is now subject to an internal investigation as to how their name (and indeed NERF) was mentioned in a way implying "compliance" with ALL the proposals. I am absolutely certain that the vast majority of BTO staff will have the same view as the RSPB, with the emphasis on scientific evidence, not just the use of emotional language



  2. There are a dozen issues I could respond with to these comments from you Pete, but intent on not labouring it plus the fact - as you know - I don't allow discussion on Birds2blog, I have an e-mail address.

    I think this time we really should ALL get together here and STOP this project at birth of prodding at nests and shooting from below the nest site to 'move on' the Buzzard into the realms of the virtually extinct Hen Harrier.....DON'T YOU.

  3. Pete
    To answer your last 'shout', please read my the first sentence!

    I worry about a recurrent theme with you, Pete. Your uneasy relationship with 'organisations' as opposed to independent individuals does sometimes lead you and have a pop at them (e.g. BTO) without knowing the full circumstances. This can unjustly do quite a bit of damage to these organisations - you have done the same with the RSPB in the past, havn't you?

    As you say, lets stick to the agenda - making sure as many people as possible object to this utterly ridiculous and abhorrent proposal

  4. The BTO has now put out a position statement on its website - see for a message from the Director.

  5. Never fail do you Pete, the whole world watches you all the do realise this don't you!

    You turned this whole theme about the Buzzard on its head and made it into an issue about Pete Woodruff, his so called independent attitude and opinions.

    As for my 'last shout' I think you missed out of naming the whole right thinking world when you merely quoted yourself,Seamus, Gary, and my own sentiments.

    I may as well take this opportunity to address your 'worry' about my 'recurrent theme', my uneasy relationship with 'organisations' as opposed to independent individuals....I have no idea what you're talking about Pete, nor have I any idea what you mean about 'doing the same with the RSPB'. But you redeemed yourself with the last sentence about sticking to the agenda.

    I'd be lost without you Pete....keep 'em cumin!
