BIRDING THE LUNE ESTUARY THE FOREST OF BOWLAND AND BEYOND..........................................................................HEN HARRIER COCKERSAND PETE WOODRUFF

Thursday, 2 August 2012

See me here....

....see me there!

I've always subscribed to the idea that its just as important to record birds not seen just as much as birds seen. But this is a different take on where you're not likely to see certain species of waders, giving a clear illustration on where birds can be found regularly in some areas, yet not many miles away and sometimes just around the corner, are rarely - if ever - seen at all. 

If you view the River Lune at the start of the estuary at Glasson Dock, there are waders you're not likely to find there. In these three cases I don't recall ever having seen them, in the other, at best irregular.

Please note these claims are made according to my observations and records over many years on a virtually weekly basis at this location, if you have records to the contrary I'd be pleased to hear from you.

Sanderling David Cookson

The Sanderling is seen as a passage migrant and very rare winter visitor in our recording area, but despite being able to see the Sanderling on occasions at Cockersands and certainly  just a few miles away from here on the Fylde coast, you won't find the bird on the Lune Estuary (LE) at Glasson Dock at any time in the year. 

Turnstone. Peter Guy.

Another species on the list is the Turnstone, a fairly common if localised passage migrant and winter visitor which you can find around the corner from here at Cockersands but never on the LE at Glasson Dock. 

Ringed Plover. Pete Woodruff.

The Ringed Plover is not found at Glasson Dock either and is another bird I don't ever recall recording here - though a search may reveal I may have just one record - but is also to be found around the corner from here at Cockersands. This species is uncommon and declining, though at Cockersands was seen in the spring of 2010 in April/May with figures recorded at 120, 373 and 200, and again at 130 in late August on return passage.  

Grey Plover Brian Rafferty

The fourth species can be seen in single figures on the LE at Glasson Dock, but never regularly. The Grey Plover might be found on very few occasions in the winter months on the estuary, but at Conder Green in the creeks it is present annually during the winter but never in double figures, in fact I think my best all time count is three, on the North Fylde coast it can be found in good number. 

If you find any of these species on the LE at Glasson Dock, I'd like to think you'd let me know about them please.


  1. Hi Pete.Have seen the occasional Turnstone on the Shard in front of the toilet block at Glasson.

  2. That's interesting and I appreciate your telling me John, but have to say its never been when I was with you.

  3. Thanks for stopping by my blog, Pete. Look forward to more of your posts :)

  4. Good to see you on Birdsblog too Cindy, much appreciated.
