BIRDING THE LUNE ESTUARY THE FOREST OF BOWLAND AND BEYOND..........................................................................HEN HARRIER COCKERSAND PETE WOODRUFF

Friday, 8 August 2014

The Five Hide Wander.

Great White Egret Brian Rafferty 

1. Of a five hide wander round Leighton Moss on Tuesday, the one with the most rewarding records was the Public Hide where I had good views of a Great White Egret. The small stoney island on the mere held a nice gathering of eleven waders, 6 Greenshank, 3 Black-tailed Godwit, a Spotted Redshank, and a Ruff. A pair of brutish but smart looking Greater Black-backed Gull gave the appearance of 'ruling the roost' on the island, and a Reed Warbler gave excellent close views in the reeds in front of the hide where 2 Black-tailed Skimmer were also seen.

2. At the Lower Hide 55 Black-tailed Godwit represented the first time I ever saw the species here, a Great-crested Grebe noted, and at least 200 Sand Martin were too and fro feeding over the water with a 'few' Swift and House Martin seen.

3. The Lillian Hide turned up a juvenile Yellow Wagtail, with little else of note save 5 Teal, a drake Gadwall, probably 200 Coot, and a single Swift over.

Marsh Harrier Phillip Tomkinson 

4. The Grisedale Hide had a patrolling juvenile Marsh Harrier over, 3 Snipe, c.20 Goldfinch, and 55 Lapwing found their way into the black book.

5. The Eric Morecambe complex had another Marsh Harrier sighting, waders were estimates of 165 Redshank and similar Dunlin, 6 Greenshank, 6 Black-tailed Godwit, and a Little Egret

Kingfisher Noushka Dufort   

As I was about to leave the hide a Kingfisher put on a decent in flight show for me. From the path to the hide I had seen a lot of movement in the bushes and I caught sight of a Chiffchaff, Willow Warbler, Whitethroat, Greenfinch, and 2 Robin were both juveniles. 

A pleasant five hide wander around the RSPB flagship reserve.

The butterfly and the moth. 

Small Tortoiseshell. Pete Woodruff.

I managed a decent pic of a Small Tortoiseshell in the garden on Tuesday, but it wasn't until the butterfly flew off that I realised a moth was on the flower to the right, it was a smart colourful little creature and I had no idea it was there until I took my eyes off the butterfly by which time the moth too had taken off never too be seen again. A close look and the moth is seen on the right hand flower of the image

Pyrausta purpuralis. Mike Pike. 

But n'er mind I identified it to have been a Pyrausta purpuralis and I'm grateful to Mike Pike for allowing me to copy his image of the moth. Also thanks to Brian/Phillip/Noushka for the other images on Birds2blog in this post, all much appreciated and as always even better with a 'clik the pik'.  


  1. I like the Small Tort shot Pete, shows a bit of artistic skill in its composition :-)

  2. Pete. You had an excellent day wandering around Leighton Moss.Always something of interest to see there.
    I agree with Warren a nice shot of the small tort from your camera.Take care.

  3. What a day to choose hides instead of thrashing the Cockersands coastal sites :-)
    e.g. probably 200+ migrant Whitethroat nearby Heysham (56 ringed in the morning)

  4. Warren....Thanks for technical compliments re image of the butterfly, much appreciated.

    Brian....Yes, quite enjoyed my wander around LM as I usually do. Also thanks for seconding Warrens comments re photograph.

    Pete....Point taken about the choice of venue, but note my LM day was on Tuesday, whilst your excellent Whitethroat record day was Friday. I really do wish I could 'do' a place like Cockersands on a daily basis, but alas.

  5. Hello!!!.. Wonderful pictures.. A regard from Madrid
