BIRDING THE LUNE ESTUARY THE FOREST OF BOWLAND AND BEYOND................................................................................SCAUP MORECAMBE BAY PETE WOODRUFF

Wednesday, 19 November 2014

Light My Fire!

I was tempted to call Mondays birding a bit dull and uneventful. I always try to keep negatives out of my birding....but it certainly didn't light my fire on Monday. 

At Conder Green, with determination I went through the grebes in the hope of getting them all on the water at the same time, eventually arriving at 18 Little Grebe, all on Conder Pool except three in the creeks. Also noted on the pool, Common Sandpiper, 4 Goldeneye, 12 Wigeon, 3 Goosander, a Great-crested Grebe, and a Little EgretThe only reward for my effort of a walk along the coastal path to Glasson Dock was 5 Blackbird in the same tree and a Kestrel over the marsh.

On the Lune Estuary, at least 4,000 Lapwing and 1,000 Golden Plover was a sight not to be called dull and uneventful, but the only other notes made were of 5 Red-breasted Merganser, and 3 Goosander. Having seen thirteen last Friday I could only find 2 Goldeneye here today.

Greenfinch Noushka Dufort 

Despite two hours at Cockersands I only made notes of the recently site faithful 22 Greenfinch in the cover crop field again, and 7 Pied Wagtail staying ahead of me as I walked along the headland.

C'sands Sundown. Pete Woodruff.

But at least I was able to see another splendid west coast sunset as I got back to the motor around 4.15pm.      

Blackcap Antonio Puigg

Close encounters of a bird kind!

In recent years a ringer from England has been leading a ringing trip to Portugal. In October this year he was back in Portugal and found himself extracting a male Blackcap from a mist net, he noted the bird carried a BTO ring which was no big surprise to him. Reading out the code on the ring, a fellow ringer suddenly went silent, then making a phone call home to England to his wife asking her to check his note book.

Amazing is a bit of an understatement here, when it was discovered this male Blackcap was one of only two ringed by him at a reservoir in Staffordshire, England in September this year just a few weeks before the ringing group had arrived in Portugal....WOW! 

Thanks to Noushka and Antonio for the excellent images, much appreciated as always.


  1. Great story of the Blackcap, I'd be out buying a lottery ticket if I were him!!

  2. Hi Pete.. Nice to walk on your blog full of beautiful pictures.. Have a great week.. Regards from Madrid..

  3. Gary....Yes, your'e not the first to say he should be playing the Lottery.

    Ana....Good to see you again with your kind comments.
