BIRDING THE LUNE ESTUARY THE FOREST OF BOWLAND AND BEYOND..........................................................................HEN HARRIER COCKERSAND PETE WOODRUFF

Tuesday, 30 December 2014

Nothing Spektakler....

....but a beautiful calm, frosty, sunny day, and it was good to be taking a look at the birds again yesterday in the Conder, Glasson, and Cockersands area after the Christmas break.

There are 15 Little Grebe still in the area, with eight seen on Conder Pool, one in the creeks, three down the Conder Channel, and another three seen later on the Lune Estuary. On a circuit of Conder Green I noted, 5 Fieldfare, a single Redwing, Little Egret, Snipe, Dunnock, 7 Long-tailed Tit, and c.20 Chaffinch.

Red-breasted Merganser Brian Rafferty 

On the Lune Estuary, a mix of 72 diving duck were pretty hard work to count whilst drifting downstream and constantly diving, I saw them as 32 Goldeneye and 40 Tufted Duck. Also of note, c.120 Black-tailed Godwit, 70 Bar-tailed GodwitAt the Conder mouth, a Spotted Redshank and 2 Red-breasted MerganserThe injured Snow Goose was at the south end of Colloway Marsh again, and c.3,000 Knot were seen at Sunderland Point from Bodie Hill.

Last Wednesdays 2 Bewick's Swan were seen on Jeremy Lane again, and 2 Bewick's Swan were with at least 80 Whooper Swan off Moss Lane. At Cockersands, 108 Black-tailed Godwit counted off Crook Farm, with 16 Dunlin and 3 Knot noted. Off Plover Scar, 600 wildfowl were seen as estimates of 500 Wigeon and 100 Pintail, 4 Red-breasted Merganser were in the Cocker Channel, and I saw 2 Kestrel during the visit here.

Blackbird. Pete Woodruff.

There appears to be a good number of Blackbird around and I counted at least twenty on the day. We had one with a metal ring on it's right leg in our garden recently, the first ringed Blackbird I ever saw.

Snow Bunting.   

Snow Bunting David Cookson 

An excellent count of 36 Snow Bunting were on Pendle Hill yesterday morning. 


  1. Good to get out for a proper visit eh Pete!

    Some nice birds about in your neck of the woods, worth getting out for :-)

  2. Another in-depth account of your birding on the Lancashire coast Pete.Keep em comming.

  3. Yep....Good to be out again with some nice birds. Thanks Warren.

    Thanks for the kind comments Martin.

  4. Hola amigo Pete,Feliz año 2015 y un fuerte abrazo

  5. Thank you Antonio. A HAPPY NEW YEAR to you too.

  6. Hi Pete!!! .. The first happy new year .. I hope you've started the year with new adventures .. I see many beautiful pictures on your blog .. Some are mine .. :-) Thanks for sharing .. The Christmas is a little bit crazy and I have not got much time to visit your blog .. Sorry ..
    By the way!!!.. I spoke with Isidro, he does not know anything about you .. I do not understand !!! ...

    Greetings from Madrid..
